

GWCN, a Supporter of SUM 2025

GWCN is a Supporter of SUM 2025 - 8th Multidisciplinary Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining, Naples, Ita;y, 21-23 May 2025.

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Mauritius Environment Seminar 2023

GWCN, represented by Ms. Beth Ayoo, Membership Manager for Eastern Africa, was the main partner on this seminar, organized by Save Our Planet Earth (SOPE) in Mauritius.

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Improving waste management in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia: The success of the Zero Waste Municipalities initiative

The immense scale of the challenge of waste, as well as its cross-cutting nature, means that without concerted action to improve waste management, sustainable development is not possible. This is especially clear in regions such as the Western Balkans, where countries face the dual challenges of being in urgent need of both economic growth and environmental stewardship.

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GWCN Themed Webinar: The Sanitation Challenge in Africa

Topics include: Factors driving the sanitation problems in Africa, including socio-cultural barriers; Assessment of sanitation policies and national strategies; Classic and innovative solutions for tackling sanitation problems in Africa.

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How Is Flood Impacted by Climate Change?

Overall, with climate change, weather extremes are becoming more unpredictable and floods are happening more frequently, inflicting significant damage to individuals and society.

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Blood Diamonds: More than a Humanitarian Crisis?

Even though the human atrocities of Blood Diamonds reached our collective conscience, the environmental consequences of diamond mining have not. In this article, we will explore how the exploitation of diamonds is interlinked with the exploitation of people, and to a greater extent – the environment.

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The Municipal Waste Revolution – How Australia and other Nations are moving forward

We live in a time of rapid urbanization and population growth. But this growth comes with challenges that impact on humanity and the environment. Billions of tons of municipal waste (and greenhouse gas) covers landfill sites, floods our oceans and destroys the environment each year. This is a challenge that government and all of society must work together to address.

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A web that pulls you down

No matter how hard we try to separate ourselves from it, we are part of nature’s intricate web. It is our responsibility to make sure it is healthy and sustainable because if this web collapses, it will pull us down with it.

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Landfill of the Dead

Different cultures developed their unique ways of saying farewell to dead, like burial, cremation, immurement, and mummification. And with time these rituals have evolved notably from their rudimentary form. In their current state, traditional funeral rites have a serious impact on the environment.

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Impact of Forest Ecosystems and Deforestation on the Climate

Forest ecosystems can store significant amounts of carbon, thus acting as a carbon sink. This effect is reduced by the decline in forest-covered land, and therefore by deforestation. However, the relationship between forest ecosystems and climate is not entirely straightforward and several factors need to be considered.

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Global Waste Trade and its Effects on Landfills in Developing Countries

There does exist a world where global waste trade benefits importing and exporting country equity. To reach this state of equity, governments worldwide will have to work together to ensure systems are not overwhelmed and within their own nations to manage as much solid as possible adequately and sustainably.

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Overfishing: A Current Serious Environmental Problem

In recent years, the global consequences of overfishing have been the focus of scientists, economists, and policymakers. Overfishing is a contemporary issue that will continue and will cause fishless oceans by 2048 if humans keep fishing at the current pace.

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Second Generation Bioethanol – An Overview

Bioethanol is an effective alternative to fossil fuels, as it is a renewable energy source which also has the advantage of leading to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The use of first generation bioethanol, however, leads to competition between land use for food and energy production purposes. Second generation bioethanol is an attractive option, as it eliminates the issue, while also permitting the use of waste as biomass.

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Multifaceted Threats to Biodiversity in Central Asia

Biodiversity is an integral part of the earth’s ecosystem. Changes in animal species, temperature, water resources or soil composition directly affect the existence and habitats of flora and fauna. In Central Asia, local ecoregions and biodiversity are strongly affected by human behaviour in the region (agriculture, poaching) and by global trends in climate change. The case study of the snow leopard demonstrates that the supra-national and multi-dimensional challenges to its habitat create a challenge for individual countries to effectively regulate and implement preservation policies.

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Renewable Energy Industry in India – A Path towards Sustainability

The article attempts to study the reasons behind the growing need of renewable energy in Indian economy, explores the ways through which the non-conventional energy sources will benefit the country in the long run. It also reveals the energy landscape in India, the efforts and initiatives which are being taken to encourage the growth of the renewable energy industry in the country, the challenges which are faced while the expansion of renewable energy projects and suggests way-outs for achieving a better growth path for the industry.

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Conference (Online): Addressing Sustainable Development Goals

GWCN Director General, Dr. Roger Achkar, is a keynote speaker at the concatenated events organized by Mapúa University, Philippines (GWCN member organization) on 14-17 September 2021. These events focus on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) highlighting how research and academic programs would contribute to giving solutions to SDGs. Dr. Achkar's presentation will be about Climate Change and Sustainable Development.

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Climate change and air pollution: two problems that are interrelated

Climate change and air pollution are two serious problems, as both affect the ecosystems, species and population. There are several articles discussing both problems and how these two are related, showing how the interaction occurs in different space and time scales, through various mechanisms.

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The biggest hurdle for the climate change fight isn’t technology – it’s human psychology

We are wired to trust each other, to communicate our ideas, identities, and beliefs through stories. Every one of us has a story about how climate change has impacted them and everybody has a friend or family member that will listen to that story. Although our old wiring with these ancient evolutionary roots makes us recalcitrant if we all leverage that power of trust and storytelling, we can create the popular movement we need to stop climate change.

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Webinar: Accelerating NET ZERO with GREEN GAS

In this webinar which is supported by GWCN, you’ll learn not only the vital role of green gases for net-zero energy systems by 2050 but also how AB Energy UK’s technologies could help your business in reducing emissions in the most cost-efficient way.

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Webinar: Waste Management and Sustainability

This webinar which is organized by our member Y4CAP and supported by GWCN, would enhance the knowledge on the management of waste and about leading a sustainable lifestyle by understanding the impact of waste in our near future.

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Webinar: Sustainable Construction for a Better Living Environment

This webinar supported by GWCN and organized by Vietnam Green Building Council (Member of GWCN) and Eurocham Green Growth Sector Committee, will illustrate the role of the Construction sector toward Green City and better living environment as well as the direction for Green building material development in Vietnam.

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My Experience as Researcher with GWCN

One of the best parts of my close association with GWCN was the ability to conduct and write my own scientific articles, which after being vetted, were published on the GWCN website. This was excellent more so because of the global links GWCN has with environmental research organisations and NGOs and my published research was immediately being shared with my peers across the world. I gained some incredible feedback and a chance to view my own work through many different perspectives.

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What hatched first, Climate Change or COVID-19?

The path to a pandemic is clear. Individuals have caused disruption in land use by way of the intensification of agricultural practices, unviable trade, overproduction and overconsumption. We destroy nature, create a massive loss in biodiversity and clear a path for wildlife, livestock, pathogens and people to walk casually together, hand in hand.

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Webinar: Confused by Light – Light Pollution and its Consequences on Animals

For billions of years, nights—especially moonless nights—were dark. However in the last 150 years human urbanisation has transformed our nocturnal landscape, so that now more than one third of the human population is no longer able to see the Milky Way. Light pollution is expanding every year by around 6%, affecting more organisms, including plants, fungi, bacteria and animals.

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In Pursuit of Purpose: Choosing to make a Difference

My name is Joshua Fuller and I currently reside in Oklahoma, in the Midwest of the United States. I grew up in the countryside near a rural lake town. I have always been captivated by nature and science. Many would consider me a traveler in my personal life and when it comes to work a collaborative […]

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Environmental Education as Tool to Build Sustainable Behaviour in Children

Environmental degradation and climate change have been caused by the unsustainable patterns of human behaviour as they are linked to consumption. Most efforts to improve environmental sustainability involve international cooperation, legal restrictions, and technological developments, rather than behaviour. This article argues that the achievement of sustainability can only be achieved through adjusted human behaviour and that education plays a major role in this regard. Instead of informing children of our harmful actions, educators and society members need to create a generation for whom sustainable behaviour is part of their identity and habits.

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My Journey with GWCN

It is with great excitement that I take part in this amazing journey with the Global Waste Cleaning Network (GWCN). With a background in international relations and a Master’s Degree in Peacekeeping Management, my skills support the work that GWCN invests in and advocates for, both in a local and global context. Before coming to […]

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Thinking out of the Box – Green Solutions for Lebanon

There are plenty of good ideas that need to be implemented. There should be someone to LEAD the start of the implementation pushing the social groups to follow or to copy the model. Eng. Marcel Mansour highlights in this article the main environmental problems in Lebanon and proposes solutions for them.

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Evaluating Current Air Pollution Impact Prediction Practices in the United Kingdom

The current lack of adequate Air Quality (AQ) Impact Assessment in the United Kingdom has repeatedly been emphasized in previous studies to be one of the main factors in the reduced quality of Environmental Impact Statements (EISs). This research critically evaluates AQ impact prediction methods in three EISs through analyzing four stages: impact identification, impact assessment, significance evaluation and mitigation measures using a best practice technique evaluative checklist approach.

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Climate Resilient Coastlines, UK

Climate change has taken its toll on the UK coastline through increased sea levels, increased rate of erosion and heightened flood frequency and intensity. This has had detrimental impacts on people and the economy through the destruction and damage of infrastructure. With global mean temperatures still predicted to increase, the UK coastline is more than likely to experience further destruction if effective steps are not taken to strengthen the resilience of coastal infrastructure.

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La Deforestación en el Hábitat del Orangután de Tapanuli: Un Plan de Conservación Medioambiental

In 2017, the year of its identification, Tapanuli orangutan was ranked as a Critically Endangered species, with only 800 individuals. Despite the efforts to protect some of the world's most biodiversity-rich territories, Sumatra still has one of the highest levels of deforestation. Unsustainable exploitation of natural resources threatens the survival of these primates. Protecting habitat, tightening environmental laws, as well as creating a consistent educational project are some of the solutions proposed in this article to prevent the extinction of Tapanuli orangutan.

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Ecological Impacts on Saline Alkaline Lakes Globally

Globally saline lakes serve as important habitats for migrating shorebirds and water birds globally most being sites of internationally important wetlands and RAMSAR sites with highly productive ecosystems. This article researches and outlines six environmental pressures faced by saline-alkaline lakes globally; some that are increasing in strength over time.

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Urban Agriculture to the Rescue

the effect of climate change is felt globally. Thus, people in a low adaptive region need support to build resilience to climate-related disasters. The best time for climate action is now. Individuals, organizations, and governments should act not, act together, or act differently.

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Marine Debris Killing Our Oceans

the effect of climate change is felt globally. Thus, people in a low adaptive region need support to build resilience to climate-related disasters. The best time for climate action is now. Individuals, organizations, and governments should act not, act together, or act differently.

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Global Warming: Why there is need for Climate Action

About 90 percent of disasters in recent decades in Africa are been driven by weather and climate. Food production is at risk of declining. And there is reduction in length of the growing season, which affects the farmer’s livelihood. This paper reviews articles on global warming and climate change from credible sources like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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The Fashion Industry and its Effects on the Environment

Over recent years many issues within the fashion industry have come to light regarding its workplace culture. Amongst some significant sustainability issues, such as the exploitation of labour, the fashion industry can also be characterised by its disproportionate environmental footprint. From the moment of manufacturing to the process of purchasing and discarding items, the fashion […]

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Landfill gas-to-energy conversion power plants

Landfill gas is a product that is released during the fermentation of organic substances under anaerobic conditions (without oxygen). It is a high-energy fuel that can substitute fossil fuel. Depending upon the landfill design, as well as waste composition, compaction, moisture and several other factors, landfills are available to collect and use this valuable renewable […]

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Consequences of Deforestation on the Environment

For as much as the causes of deforestation could keep being put up for a continuous debate, the fact of the matter is that it represents an environmental issue. Namely, human overpopulation creates the need for additional agricultural land, and more often than not, construction of consumer-driven industrial facilities or our ceaseless demand for solid […]

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