Empowerment Training on Climate Change in Waivou Village, Rewa Province, Fiji
About the Event
Under the support of GWCN, Mr. Pallawish Kumar, climate change officer of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Fiji government, conducted a 3-day empowerment training on Climate Change in Waivou village, Rewa.
The theme for the first day of training was ‘UNLEASHING YOUTH POWER TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE’ and the ultimate goal was to upscale global climate literacy by providing a general understanding of climate change to a large number of potential agents of change.
Through this training, the youth were able to understand climate change, how it affects their communities, and get a better understanding of how the world is changing due to the devastating effects of global warming.
The youth can now identify opportunities for low carbon development, plan and finance climate change actions and formulate a climate pledge, project or policy.
The last day of the training included discussions on the action plan and some of the potential projects that the youth can undertake for further development.
We acknowledge the tremendous amount of public participation and readiness that has led us to successfully complete such an empowerment training.
There is a need to focus on concrete solutions and work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our small islands, which is gradually being achieved – but we need everyone’s support!