The World's Largest and Most Widespread Environmental and Energy Network
Our Current Member Organisations
GWCN Member Organisations are spread across 187 Countries and Territories
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Name | Country | Type |
Association for Community Awareness (ASCOA) | Cameroon | NGO |
Green and Better World | Cameroon | NGO |
Manica Youth Assembly (MAYA) | Zimbabwe | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Education and English For You (EEFY) | Ivory Coast | Educational Institution |
Watchman Relief Association Global (WRAG) | Cameroon | NGO |
Rural Focus Zambia (RUFOZ) | Zambia | NGO |
Chikka Federation of India | India | NGO |
The Association for Environmental Protection and Nature Conservation (AEPNC) | Cameroon | NGO |
Clean Cameroon | Cameroon | NGO |
BRAUDA Consult | Uganda | Private Company |
Action pour la saugarde de l'environnement | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Clean Energy Solution SAL | Lebanon | Private Company |
Maschinenbau Halberstadt GmbH | Germany | Private Company |
African Cleanup Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Renewable Eco-Solutions Organization | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Insight Novelty Network Organization | Nigeria | Social Enterprise |
Cleannation Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Green Girls Group | Nigeria | INGO |
Ecochirp Foundation | India | NGO |
Chema Programme | Tanzania | Community Association |
Ecotourism and Conservation Society Malaysia (ECOMY) | Malaysia | NGO |
Urban Hijau | Malaysia | Private Company |
SEEDS Malaysia | Malaysia | Educational Institution |
H.Cegielski - Fabryka Silników Agregatowych i Trakcyjnych Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością | Poland | Private Company |
Chalin Food Forest | Malaysia | Private Company |
Energi Karya Indonesia | Indonesia | NGO |
Green Camel Bell | China | NGO |
Awakening For Life In Kenya | Kenya | NGO |
Sri Lanka International Development Organization | Sri Lanka | NGO |
Reef Life Foundation | United States of America | NGO |
Elomgreenie | Nigeria | NGO |
The Community Check-Up | United States of America | NGO |
Réseau des Eco-Citoyens | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Action des Jeunes pour le Développement Durable | Guinea | NGO |
Animal Projects & Environmental Education (APE Malaysia) | Malaysia | Social Enterprise |
Hombre Naturaleza A.C. | Mexico | NGO |
Pronatura México A.C. | Mexico | NGO |
Poni Group Sdn. Bhd. | Brunei | Private Company |
The Pearl Protectors | Sri Lanka | Community Based Organisation |
Gateway clean energy (Africa) Ltd. | Kenya | Private Company |
Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development (SRADev Nigeria) | Nigeria | NGO |
Fondazione per l'Ambiente | Italy | Foundation |
Center for Human Rights | North Macedonia | NGO |
Ambiensys Gestão Ambiental LTDA | Brazil | Private Company |
Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine - Scientific Research Institution "Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Ecological Problems" (UKRNDIEP) | Ukraine | Public Institution |
Ministry of Environment - Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency | Egypt | Public Institution |
LindungiHutan | Indonesia | Private Company |
Route Institute | Brazil | NGO |
OTB Consult | Lebanon | Private Company |
Green Land Recycling LLC | United Arab Emirates | Private Company |
APRESolutions, Inc. | Philippines | Private Company |
Green Life | Vietnam | NGO |
Monofactory Co. Ltd. | Japan | Private Company |
Solar Hope | Philippines | NGO |
Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions | Ghana | Educational Institution |
Centro para la Conservación y Ecodesarrollo de la Bahía de Samana y su Entorno (CEBSE) | Dominican Republic | NGO |
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) | India | INGO |
Esmarta Technology | Nigeria | Private Company |
Help Us Green LLP | India | Private Company |
Lasallian Institute For the Environment | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Public Health Nigeria | Nigeria | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Polen - Solução e Valoração de Resíduos | Brazil | Private Company |
Crowthorne Reduce Our Waste | United Kingdom | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Alternative Waste Technologies | Kenya | Social Enterprise |
Clean Climate and Environment Campaign Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
International Association for Promoting Geoethics Nigeria | Nigeria | NGO |
Environmental Support Consulting Office | Saudi Arabia | Private Company |
Safe Asia Pro’s | Cambodia | Private Company |
International Center for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV) | Cameroon | NGO |
TreePeople | United States of America | NGO |
Vitalis Inc | United States of America | INGO |
Girls Connect Uganda (GCU) | Uganda | NGO |
Action for Social Development and Environmental Protection Organization (ASDEPO) | Ethiopia | NGO |
Global Social Leaders | United Kingdom | Educational Social Enterprise |
Association of Uganda Professional Women in Agriculture and Environment (AUPWAE) | Uganda | NGO |
Difaf SAL | Lebanon | Private Company |
Africa Sustainable Tourism Care Foundation | Uganda | NGO |
Let's Do It! Hanoi | Vietnam | NGO |
Horizonte Consultoria Ambiental | Brazil | Private Company |
Interwaste Research and Development (East Africa) Trust | Kenya | NGO |
Mongolian Remote Sensing Society | Mongolia | NGO |
Bye Bye Plastic Bags Singapore | Singapore | NGO |
Better World Innovations | Zambia | Social Enterprise |
Centre for Citizens Conserving | Uganda | NGO |
Vietnam Green Building Council | Vietnam | NGO |
Climate Alert and Forest Conservation Trust | Uganda | NGO |
Toast Ale | United Kingdom | Private Company |
The Sustainability Project | Singapore | Private Company |
Samsara Creation | Nepal | Private Company |
Action for Environmental Sustainability (AfES) | Malawi | NGO |
Green Ummah | Canada | NGO |
Better World Cameroon | Cameroon | NGO |
Red Rocks Initiative for Sustainable Development | Rwanda | NGO |
Belarusian Environmental Movement | Belarus | NGO |
OPADES | Paraguay | NGO |
Red Rocks Monkeyfriendly Initiative | United States of America | INGO |
Development Wheel (DEW) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Environmental and Societal Development Foundation (ESDF) | Pakistan | NGO |
Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (UNCG) | Ukraine | NGO |
Eko-Zadar | Croatia | NGO |
Collaborative Living and Development Initiative (COLIDEIN) | Nigeria | NGO |
Hanfirqul Nigeria Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Foro del Buen Ayre | Argentina | NGO |
Sustainable Energy and Enterprise Development for Communities (SEED4Com) | Philippines | NGO |
Centre for Integrated Research and Community Development Uganda (CIRCODU) | Uganda | NGO |
Associação Regional para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento do Turismo, Ambiente, Cultura e Saúde (ARTAC) | Portugal | Regional Association |
Fondo Verde Internacional | Peru | INGO |
Amigos dos Açores | Portugal | NGO |
Community Development and Sustainability Organisation | Kenya | NGO |
Aksyon Kalikasan (Eco Actions PH) | Philippines | NGO |
Aspire Rwanda | Rwanda | NGO |
NGOs Far East Interregional Ecological Commission | Russia | NGO |
Human Welfare and Environment Protection Centre | Nepal | NGO |
Rubber Future Recycling | Saudi Arabia | Private Company |
Red Iberoamericana de Medio Ambiente (REIMA, A.C.) | Ecuador | NGO |
Mar Ambiente e Pesca Artesanal (ONG MARAPA) | Sao Tome and Principe | NGO |
Lebanon Green Building Council (LGBC) | Lebanon | NGO |
ECA Movement | Russia | NGO |
Sahari Organization for Development | Sudan | NGO |
Creating Value Management | Lebanon | Private Company |
YES Environmental Services | Afghanistan | NGO |
Maldives Ocean Plastics Alliance (MOPA) | Maldives | NGO |
Water, Environment and Sanitation Society (WESS) | Pakistan | NGO |
Oricol Environmental Services | South Africa | Private Company |
AmbiPrime Consultoria e Gestão Ambiental, Lda. | Portugal | Private Company |
PDP Energy | Lebanon | Private Company |
United Children Integrated Development Action Uganda (UNCIDA) | Uganda | NGO |
Centre ValBio - Stony Brook University | Madagascar | INGO |
Mamanuca Environment Society | Fiji | NGO |
Research and Conservation Foundation | Papua New Guinea | NGO |
Environmental Awareness and Protection Organization | Afghanistan | NGO |
Yoda APS | Italy | NGO |
Gili Eco Trust | Indonesia | NGO |
Fundación Internacional para la Restauración de Ecosistemas (FIRE) | Spain | NGO |
Sustainarch | Turkey | NGO |
KULIMA | Mozambique | NGO |
ONG VERDE - Educação Ambiental, Agroecologia e Energias Renováveis | Brazil | NGO |
Department of Marine Science, Myeik University | Myanmar | Educational Institution |
Rio Neiva - Associação Defesa Ambiente | Portugal | NGO |
Institute of Development and Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA) | Sierra Leone | NGO |
FREE Energy | Saudi Arabia | Private Company |
American University of Beirut - Issam Fares Institute | Lebanon | Educational Institution |
Green Power Generation | Lebanon | Private Company |
Green Cameroon | Cameroon | NGO |
Brecycled | Brazil | Private Company |
GEOTA - Grupo de Estudos de Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente | Portugal | NGO |
Grupo Ambiental Natureza Bela | Brazil | NGO |
Instituto Tecnológico del Medio Ambiente | Peru | Educational Institution |
Envi Tech AL | Pakistan | Private Company |
Center of Hands-on Actions and Networking for Growth and Environment (CHANGE) | Vietnam | NGO |
Resifluxo, Ida | Portugal | Private Company |
Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Vyatka Riverkeepers | Russia | NGO |
Henties Bay Recycling & Garden Services | Namibia | NGO |
The Center "Cooperation for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan" | Kazakhstan | NGO |
Eleven Eleven Twelve Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Association pour la Protection de l'Environnement de Béniisguen (APEB) | Algeria | NGO |
Fundação Norberto Odebrecht | Brazil | NGO |
Fundación Corcovado | Costa Rica | NGO |
ANCON | Panama | NGO |
Fundación Basura | Chile | NGO |
Union of Agricultural Work Committees | State of Palestine | NGO |
Association Minarets Écologiques pour le Développement et Climat (AMEDC) | Morocco | NGO |
Ecobags Factory Sas | Colombia | Private Company |
Réseau Association Khnifiss | Morocco | NGO |
Fundación URAKU | Colombia | NGO |
NGO Zeleni Dom - Green Home | Montenegro | NGO |
Biosfera NGO | Cape Verde | NGO |
Legambiente Lecco | Italy | NGO |
RanMarine Technology BV | Netherlands | Private Company |
Red Alimenta | Spain | NGO |
Centre for Coastal Environmental Conservation (CCEC) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Texan by Nature | United States of America | NGO |
Conyat Create | Myanmar | Private Company |
European Wilderness Society | Austria | NGO |
Ammper | Mexico | Private Company |
Interfacing Development Interventions for Sustainability (IDIS) | Philippines | NGO |
For Earth's Sake | Cameroon | NGO |
Royal University of Bhutan, College of Natural Resources, Centre for Environment and Climate Research | Bhutan | Educational Institution |
Clean Bhutan | Bhutan | NGO |
Acumentor LLC | United States of America | Private Company |
Association of Protected Areas Management Organizations (APAMO) | Belize | NGO |
Onda Verde | Brazil | NGO |
Márgenes del Río SA | Uruguay | Private Company |
ReForm Plastic | Vietnam | Social Enterprise |
Usingsea | South Korea | Private Company |
Kazakhstan Innovations | Kazakhstan | NGO |
DBF Miras | Kazakhstan | NGO |
Go Green Syria | United States of America | NGO |
Ecodress Environmental Advocacy Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Aguatuya | Bolivia | NGO |
Tarlac Agricultural University | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Hygge Energy Inc. | Canada | Private Company |
Save Cerrado | Brazil | NGO |
Liberty NPO | South Africa | NGO |
CKP Sustainability Consultants Limited | Hong Kong | Private Company |
Public Health Aid Awareness & Education Organization | Nigeria | NGO |
Philippine Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, Inc. | Philippines | NGO |
Ecoprotech Engenharia Ambiental e Segurança do Trabalho | Brazil | Private Company |
Connecting Gender for development (COGEN) | Nigeria | NGO |
Action for Conservation of Nature and Development (ACNDWORLD) | France | NGO |
Gaeteline (Pvt) Ltd - Ceylan Vie natural & sustainable cosmetics | Sri Lanka | Private Company |
Cryochem pty ltd | South Africa | Private Company |
Green Life Generation | Sri Lanka | NGO |
Greenbud | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Association Malienne pour la Conservation de la Faune et de l'Environnement | Mali | NGO |
Clenergy MENA | Kuwait | Private Company |
Project Rescue Ocean | France | INGO |
EcoGrip | Sri Lanka | Private Company |
Solutions Transition Ecologique 72 | France | Private Company |
MAST HUMAN | Thailand | NGO |
DNF Waste and Environmental Services | South Africa | Private Company |
Orion Engenharia Ambiental LTDA | Brazil | Private Company |
Environmental Defense Southern Africa | Namibia | NGO |
Fundación Ven y Recicla | Venezuela | NGO |
Fundación Ambiental Ecovita | Venezuela | NGO |
Centro de Extensión Universitaria e Divulgación Ambiental de Galicia (CEIDA) | Spain | Public Institution |
Hong Kong Youth for Climate Action | Hong Kong | Climate Action Network |
Thai Energy Co., Ltd. | Thailand | Private Company |
AB ENERGY (UK) Ltd | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Climate Change Network Nigeria (CCNN) | Nigeria | NGO |
Ocean Virgo Scuba Dive | Malaysia | NGO |
Asociación Española de Educación Ambiental (AEEA) | Spain | NGO |
Environat | France | NGO |
Madaba for Supporting Development / Green Schools | Jordan | NGO |
Ezendalo Environmental Consultants | South Africa | Private Company |
Morobe Development Foundation Inc | Papua New Guinea | NGO |
Environmental Technologies Lobbying-group of Southern Africa | South Africa | NGO |
Marina Environmental Consultants Pakistan | Pakistan | Private Company |
Nicoya Peninsula Waterkeeper | Costa Rica | NGO |
Duzi Umgeni Conservation Trust (DUCT) | South Africa | NGO |
Vava'u Environmental Protection Association (VEPA) | Tonga | NGO |
Searious Business | Netherlands | Private Company |
Asociación Biodiversa | Spain | NGO |
Sekhukhune Environmental Justice Network | South Africa | NGO |
Waste Retrievers | South Africa | Private Company |
Eco-Learn | France | Educational Institution |
Urban Farms Recycling | South Africa | Private Company |
Subs Limited | Taiwan | Private Company |
Waste Free Oceans | Belgium | NGO |
Eco-Buzz | Kingdom of Eswatini | Private Company |
Small Robot Company | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Mama KULEANA Reef Safe Sunscreen | United States of America | Private Company |
Bioresus | South Africa | NGO |
Marine Conservation Philippines | Philippines | NGO |
Youth Mentors and Developers | South Africa | NGO |
Freee Recycle Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Asociación Reforesta | Spain | NGO |
CleanSea | Sweden | NGO |
Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement Benin | Benin | NGO |
Universal Versatile Society | India | NGO |
Associação Sociedade do Sol | Brazil | NGO |
Mapúa University | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Centre d'Action pour le Développement Rural | Togo | NGO |
Ecosistêmica Engenharia e Meio Ambiente Ltda | Brazil | Private Company |
Berytech | Lebanon | NGO |
Ozeano Vision | Australia | Private Company |
NOSCA Clean Oceans | Norway | NGO |
Across Nature AS | Norway | Private Company |
Ecosev Consultoria Ambiental | Brazil | Private Company |
SOS Sertāo | Brazil | NGO |
Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Development Association (SAEDA) | Laos | NGO |
Instituto COMAR - Conservação Marinha do Brasil | Brazil | NGO |
Forum ONG Timor-Leste (FONGTIL) | Timor-Leste | NGO |
Lao Biodiversity Association (LBA) | Laos | NGO |
Taatisolar Namibia (PTY) LTD | Namibia | Private Company |
EKO Energies Ltd. | Ghana | Private Company |
Bartronics Proprietary Limited | Botswana | Private Company |
KYA-Energy Group | Togo | Private Company |
GREENWAVE for Environment and Sustainability | Jordan | Private Company |
The Green Walk | Sri Lanka | Private Company |
Energa Afrique | Togo | Private Company |
Asociación Sustentar | Argentina | NGO |
Tayo Solutions | Somalia | Private Company |
African Monitoring Observatory on Climate, Waters, Earth and Cultures (AMOCLIMWEC) | Benin | NGO |
Green-Ef Eco-Business Village Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Momiji Natural Corporation | Sri Lanka | Private Company |
Two Hands One Life | Uganda | NGO |
We Can | Bangladesh | NGO |
Youth 4 Climate Action Project (Y4CAP) | Fiji | NGO |
Centilev Development Network | Nigeria | NGO |
Syrian Engineers for Construction and Development (SECD) | Turkey | NGO |
Earthlanka Youth Network | Sri Lanka | NGO |
FIP-Africa | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Fédération Haïtienne de la Pêche Sportive en Mer | Haïti | NGO |
Eco Warriors Movement | Ghana | NGO |
Gatef Organization | Egypt | NGO |
Youth Environment and Social Development Society (YESDS) | Bangladesh | NGO |
POP Movement | United States of America | NGO |
Rajputana Society of Natural History | India | NGO |
Agrawal Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Gangapur City | India | Educational Institution |
Reachout Salone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Association des 3 Herissons | France | NGO |
Sierra Leone School Green Clubs (SLSGC) | Sierra Leone | Community Based Organisation |
Somaliland Climate Action Initiative | Somaliland | NGO |
Powering Young Initiatives | Zambia | NGO |
Greenstretch Consultants Limited | Zambia | Private Company |
Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation (HEART) | Bangladesh | NGO |
God's Hope Foundation Uganda (GHOF-UG) | Uganda | NGO |
ASHIA International | Cameroon | NGO |
Youth Environment Service | Uganda | NGO |
Ezov Environmental Services | Ghana | Private Company |
Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) | United Kingdom | Membership Organisation |
AJA innovations Ltd | Zambia | Private Company |
Sky Energy Africa | Malawi | Private Company |
Centre For Environment Justice (CEJ) | Zambia | NGO |
Jafuta Foundation | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Heart4Earth Foundation | India | NGO |
Chedic Associates | Zambia | NGO |
Youth and Women for Opportunities Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) | Pakistan | INGO |
Sustainable Environmental Management Centre (SEMC) | Kenya | Private Company |
India Youth For Society | India | NGO |
Green Rangers Earth | Nepal | NGO |
Kuwait Water Association | Kuwait | NGO |
Morya Samajik Pratishthan | India | NGO |
Tunisian Desalination Association | Tunisia | NGO |
Wilmaf Energy (Pty) Ltd | Botswana | NGO |
Te Alofa ki Mua Organisation | Tuvalu | NGO |
Fundacion Barranquilla +20 | Colombia | NGO |
Sesa Recycling Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Donate for Bhurungamari Youth Foundation (DFBY Foundation) | Bangladesh | Youth-Led Organization |
Ralph foods limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Moyurpongkhi Foundation | Bangladesh | NGO |
Juhudi Africa Programme | Kenya | NGO |
Asia Pacific Climate Project | Indonesia | NGO |
Ministère de l'économie forestière - Commission des Forêts d'Afrique Centrale | Republic of Congo | NGO |
Zero Waste Tunisia | Tunisia | NGO |
Plogging Kenya | Kenya | NGO |
IED Afrique | Senegal | NGO |
HOPE Ministries International | Malawi | NGO |
Green Cities Inc. | Liberia | Private Company |
Kothowain | Bangladesh | NGO |
W-AI-STE | Bahrain | Private Company |
Association Tunisienne du Droit de l'Environnement | Tunisia | NGO |
Conservation Arts Malawi | Malawi | Social Enterprise |
Nkonzo Wildlife Research | South Africa | Educational Institution |
Wagai environmental science and development programme | Kenya | NGO |
Green Policy Institute | Lithuania | NGO |
EcoGREEN Foundation | Zambia | NGO |
Enaya Organization | Yemen | NGO |
Environmental Protection and Conservation Organisation (EPCO) | Mauritius | NGO |
Kishoka Youth Community Based Organization | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Indigoblue Consult | Curaçao | Private Company |
Use It Waste Beneficiation (RF) NPC | South Africa | NGO |
The Compost Kitchen | South Africa | Private Company |
Borlaman Recycling Company Limited NPC | Ghana | Private Company |
Somali Greenpeace Association | Somalia | NGO |
Somali Construction and Engineering Solutions Company | Somalia | Private Company |
Gazze Destek Association (GDD) | Turkey | NGO |
Somali Natural Resources Research Center (SONRREC) | Somalia | NGO |
Angobiotec | Angola | Private Company |
Sankandi Youth Development Association | Gambia | NGO |
Solution Power Partner | Lebanon | Private Company |
Save Our Planet Earth | Mauritius | NGO |
Lanforce Energy | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
GreenDot Tech Limited | Zambia | Private Company |
Environment and Development Association in Soliman | Tunisia | NGO |
Young Environmentalists Programme Trust | India | NGO |
Marie Genevieve De Weever Primary School | Sint Maarten | Educational Institution |
Salaknight Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) | Denmark | NGO |
Climate Hero Initiative | Bangladesh | NGO |
African Association for Geospatial Development (AGEOS) | Tunisia | NGO |
Crownbit Environmental Solutions Ltd | Zambia | Private Company |
Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Let's Do It World | Estonia | NGO |
Zimbabwe Youth Champions for Agenda 2063 (ZYCA2063) | Zimbabwe | Youth Organization |
School Education Department, Govt. Of The Punjab | Pakistan | Public Institution |
El Amargal Reserva Natural & Ecoturismo | Colombia | NGO |
Samoa Recycling Waste Management Association | Samoa | NGO |
Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation (ECDSWCo) | Ethiopia | NGO |
Organization for Nature Conservation | Kenya | NGO |
Naturefriends Greece | Greece | NGO |
Lamor Corporation | Finland | Private Company |
Northstar Initiative | Australia | NGO |
Armstrong Global Solutions Ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Centre | Kenya | Private Company |
Earth Minutes | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Solar Energy Consulting and Construction Company | Somalia | Private Company |
Frontline Agro and Environmental Services | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Environmental Conservation Trust of Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Society of Rural Agroforestry Development (SORAD) | Cameroon | NGO |
University Student Chamber International | Japan | NGO |
Go Visit Zanzibar | Tanzania | Private Company |
Zimbabwe Solid and Liquid Waste Removals | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Indian Education Conclave | India | Educational Institution |
African Youth Initiative on Climate Change | Kenya | NGO |
Kenyan Youth For Climate Action | Kenya | NGO |
Sepedahan | Indonesia | Private Company |
Alliance for environmental justice and sustainable development (AJEDD) | Cameroon | NGO |
Kabataan Kabubwason Kauswagan (KKK) Youth-Serving Organization | Philippines | Private Youth Organization |
Environmental Science Society | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Let's Green the Future Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Societal and Environmental Movement of ABM Students | Philippines | Educational Institution |
E-Terra Technologies Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Peec Energy Uganda | Uganda | Private Company |
Zanzibar Fighting Against Youth Challenges Organization (ZAFAYCO) | Tanzania | NGO |
ONG El Ghad Essihi pour le Développement et la Protection de l'Environnement en Mauritanie | Mauritania | NGO |
Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Hopes Sustainability | United Kingdom | NGO |
Micronesia Conservation Trust | Micronesia | NGO |
Green Nudge | Singapore | Private Company |
Population, Health and Environment Ethiopia Consortium | Ethiopia | NGO |
Back To Basics (BTB) | Kenya | NGO |
The Warehouse Group | New Zealand | Private Company |
Athena Research and Innovation Center, Sustainable Development Unit | Greece | Public Institution |
International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy (ICRE8) | Greece | Nonprofit Private Research Centre |
Athens University of Economics and Business, Research Laboratory on Socio-Economic and Environmental Sustainability (ReSEES) | Greece | Educational Institution |
Re-use Hawai‘i | United States of America | NGO |
Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, Department of Environment | Eritrea | Public Institution |
United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network – Greece | Greece | United Nations Agency/Network |
EIT Climate-KIC Hub Greece | Greece | Research Center |
Dryland Solutions | Somalia | NGO |
Village Development Organization | Sri Lanka | NGO |
Fahima Tourism Network | Bangladesh | Private Company |
EkoEnergija | Serbia | NGO |
Group Hope | Mauritius | NGO |
Association for the Protection of Environment and Consumers | Mauritius | NGO |
United Nations Association of Mauritius | Mauritius | NGO |
Arsenal Force Vive | Mauritius | NGO |
ONG Burkina Vert | Burkina Faso | NGO |
Consumer's Union | Mauritius | NGO |
Kolektif Enn Lavi Dirab | Mauritius | NGO |
Atlantis D C | Mauritius | NGO |
Think Geography, Think God | Nigeria | NGO |
Desarokev Multi-purpose Cooperative Society Ltd | Mauritius | NGO |
Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST) | Pakistan | Educational Institution |
NECS Környezetvédelmi Tanácsadó Kft. (NECS Environmental Consulting Ltd.) | Hungary | Private Company |
Association Faso EnviProtek (AFEP) | Burkina Faso | NGO |
Pheha Plastic | Lesotho | NGO |
Ecomode Society | Mauritius | NGO |
Centre for Natural Resource Governance (CNRG) | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Tanzania Environmental Conservation Society (TECOSO) | Tanzania | NGO |
St. Dominic College of Asia | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Save Environment Initiative | Rwanda | NGO |
Recycle S. de R.L. | Honduras | Private Company |
Tounes Clean Up | Tunisia | NGO |
Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment | Serbia | Educational Institution |
Hardy Cosmos Enterprise | Zambia | NGO |
Resource Environmental Center (REC) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | NGO |
The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) | Kazakhstan | Regional Development Agency |
ECOlogica URBO DOO | Serbia | Private Company |
Udruženje 3e | Serbia | NGO |
Blutopia | France | NGO |
Community Environmental Management and Development Organization (CEMDO) | Tanzania | NGO |
Green Fields Environmental Consultancy | Saudi Arabia | Private Company |
Universal Janitorial Services | Guyana | Private Company |
Environ Clinic Limited | Zambia | Private Company |
University of Bihać, Biotechnical Faculty | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Educational Institution |
ZEOS eko-sistem d.o.o. Sarajevo | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Private Company |
Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Africa Health & Climate Change | Namibia | NGO |
Centre for Development and Support (CRP) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | NGO |
Eko život d.o.o. Tuzla | Bosnia and Herzegovina | NGO |
Herzegovina University | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Educational Institution |
Center for Energy, Environment and Resources (CENER 21) | Bosnia and Herzegovina | NGO |
Center for Karst and Speleology | Bosnia and Herzegovina | NGO |
Selectra Watertech | South Africa | Private Company |
NVO GEOPA | Bosnia and Herzegovina | NGO |
Environment Society of Oman | Oman | NGO |
Nature-Communautés-Développement | Senegal | NGO |
University College "Center for Business Studies" | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Educational Institution |
Samoa Conservation Society | Samoa | NGO |
MEK Earth & Environmental Inc. | Canada | Private Company |
Metro Waste Solutions Limited | Uganda | Private Company |
Tongyi Environmental Services Company Limited | Tanzania | Private Company |
Alpe Adria Green | Slovenia | NGO |
Zveza ekoloških gibanj Slovenije | Slovenia | NGO |
Liberia Institute for Environmental Stability | Liberia | NGO |
Ecolozil | Mauritius | Private Company |
Arhus Centar Novi Sad | Serbia | NGO |
Ed Tisovec | North Macedonia | NGO |
Green Environment and Climate Change Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
SankalpTaru Foundation | India | NGO |
Association for protection of the environment, cultural and historical heritage and human health IZVOR - Kratovo | North Macedonia | NGO |
Manyame Conservation Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Climate Smart Solutions | Tanzania | NGO |
Jiwanta Nepal | Nepal | NGO |
Clean Technology Incubation & Acceleration Foundation (CTIAF) | Nigeria | NGO |
Green Growth Asia Foundation | Malaysia | NGO |
School of Hygiene - Mbale | Uganda | Educational Institution |
SIRECO ltd | Slovakia | Private Company |
EnMass Energy | United States of America | Private Company |
Youth Parliament | Bangladesh | NGO |
Association for the use of renewable and alternative sources | Slovakia | NGO |
Eco Urban Group Scandinavia | Finland | Private Company |
Hape Development and Welfare Association | Pakistan | NGO |
Dynamics Innovation | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Lanka Fundamental Rights Organization | Sri lanka | NGO |
Bangladesh Poribeshbid Society | Bangladesh | NGO |
Indonesian Green Action Forum | Indonesia | NGO |
Water For Life Cameroon | Cameroon | NGO |
Earth Probiotic Recycling Solutions (Pty) Ltd | South Africa | Private Company |
Agoa Waste Management Company Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Conservation Management Services | South Africa | NGO |
Brycoal Nigeria Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Waterhaul Ltd | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Center for promotion of sustainable agricultural practices and rural development (CeProSARD) | North Macedonia | NGO |
DAKTARI Bush School & Wildlife Orphanage | South Africa | NGO |
Fly Technology Agriculture Sdn Bhd | Malaysia | Private Company |
Ruth's Place | Antigua and Barbuda | NGO |
Ways2H, Inc. | United States of America | Private Company |
Ngarchelong State Government | Palau | Public Institution |
Project Procurement International | Pakistan | Private Company |
Oceans Alive Conservation Trust (NPO) | South Africa | NGO |
Ari-Zon Global Recycling Enterprises | Nigeria | Private Company |
Haiti Cholera Research Funding Foundation Inc. USA | United States of America | NGO |
MECH Energy Company Limited | South Sudan | Private Company |
Centre for Climate Change and Environment Management (CCCEM) | Malawi | NGO |
Dalit Welfare Association (DWA) | Nepal | NGO |
Strength in Diversity Development Center | Nigeria | NGO |
Dorisabdul Integrated Energy Solutions Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions Pty Ltd | South Africa | Private Company |
Ijaabo Water | Somalia | Private Company |
Electram Engineering | Cameroon | Private Company |
BD-Waste | Ghana | Private Company |
Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network Global (GCSAYN) | Cameroon | NGO |
Earth Protector Communities | United Kingdom | NGO |
The Development Institute | Ghana | NGO |
Sekangi International Ventures Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Civil Society Action Coalition on Disaster Mitigation | Nigeria | NGO |
Clean Renewable Energy/Safety Advocacy of Nigeria | Nigeria | NGO |
Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association | Trinidad and Tobago | NGO |
Enaleia | Greece | NGO |
Fishing Industry Association (PNG) Inc. | Papua New Guinea | NGO |
Junky Bins Company Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
Nquthu Waste Management Initiative | South Africa | Private Company |
Furaha Technologie Sarl | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Association Benin Energie | Benin | NGO |
PWRstation Holding SA | Switzerland | Private Company |
The Jordanian Climate Change and Environment Protection Society | Jordan | NGO |
Environmentalist Foundation of India | India | NGO |
Kloof Conservancy | South Africa | NGO |
Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies | Jordan | NGO |
Youth without borders | Armenia | NGO |
Center for Environmental Democracy FLOROZON | North Macedonia | NGO |
Aarhus Centre Almaty | Kazakhstan | NGO |
WeDontHaveTime AB | Sweden | Private Company |
Association for Environmental Protection and Physical Planning "PLANKTONIUM" - Skopje | North Macedonia | NGO |
Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan | Pakistan | NGO |
Eko Partner | Serbia | Private Company |
Federation of Environmental Organisations in Cyprus | Cyprus | NGO |
Ideas of Environment Company | Saudi Arabia | Private Company |
Plastic Tides | United States of America | NGO |
AHEAD Mauritius | Mauritius | NGO |
Biodiversity Action Group | Mauritius | NGO |
Voice of India Foundation | India | NGO |
Nauka Foundation | India | NGO |
BARformula | Malaysia | Private Company |
Associação Angolana de Energias Renováveis - ASAER | Angola | NGO |
Leka po leka Lda | Angola | Private Company |
Conservation Alliance International | Ghana | NGO |
Agropastoral Initiative for Development and Rural Conservation | Cameroon | NGO |
Sekakoh | Cameroon | NGO |
Mold S.r.l. | Italy | Private Company |
Environment and Rural Development Foundation (ERuDeF) | Cameroon | NGO |
Clean Energy 4 Africa | Sudan | NGO |
Tranbiz Waste Hazardous Solutions | Kenya | Private Company |
Oceanic Global Foundation | United States of America | NGO |
Sos Nicaragua | Nicaragua | Private Company |
Heritage Consultancy and Builders P ltd | Nepal | Private Company |
Groupe d'Appui à la Conservation des Ecosystèmes de Basankusu et Bolomba | Democratic Republic of Congo | Private Company |
Coliba Waste Management Services Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Imereti Scientists' Union "Spectri" | Georgia | NGO |
Environmental Conservation for Wildlife and Community Enterprise (ECOWICE) | Tanzania | NGO |
Eco Logic | North Macedonia | NGO |
Maxfront Technologies Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Keep Lesotho Clean | Lesotho | NGO |
Environmental Initiative for Sustainable Development Organization (EnvI) | Sudan | NGO |
Institute of Environment and Water Management (IEWM) | Kenya | NGO |
Cross River Gorilla Project | United Kingdom | INGO |
Nexus Sustainability | South Africa | Private Company |
Apex Conservation Services | South Africa | Private Company |
Wishwa Enterprises | Sri Lanka | Private Company |
ONG ASHAD | Chad | NGO |
Instituto Brasileiro de Sustentabilidade | Brazil | Educational Institution |
Pick-upau Environmental Agency | Brazil | NGO |
Community Based Environmental Conservation (COBEC) | Kenya | NGO |
Rwanda Association of Environmental Practitioners | Rwanda | Association |
Ol Pejeta Ranching Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Uganda National Chamber of Commerce and Industry | Uganda | NGO |
Jumeni Technologies | Ghana | Private Company |
CleanMax Solar | India | Private Company |
Association pour le Développement Economique et Social du Lac (ADESOL) | Chad | NGO |
Council for Renewable Energy Nigeria | Nigeria | Association |
SolarSync Solutions | Sudan | Private Company |
Action pour la Conservation de l'Environnement et le Développement Durable (ACEDD) | Mali | NGO |
Piedi per la Terra aps | Italy | NGO |
Climate Action Network Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Kurdistan Organization for Animal Rights Protection | Iraq | NGO |
Ta Pastrojmë Kosovën | Kosovo | NGO |
Association Malienne pour le Développement Durable au Sahel (AMDDS) | Mali | NGO |
Action pour la Formation et l’Autopromotion Rurale | Mali | NGO |
Green Heritage Fund Suriname | Suriname | NGO |
Gie Interprofessionnel pour le Développement Durable au Sénégal | Mali | NGO |
Université de N'Djamena | Chad | Educational Institution |
SENTECH | Senegal | Private Company |
Partenariat pour l'Appui et le Développement des Innovations en Education Santé et Environnement (PADIESE) | Chad | NGO |
Sustainable Energy Partners L.L.C. | Lebanon | Private Company |
Solarity | Egypt | Private Company |
Fundación Waiima Amazonia Ambiental | Colombia | NGO |
Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization | South Africa | NGO |
GeoRisk Afric | Senegal | Private Company |
Front Aid Foundation | Uganda | NGO |
Action Coalition on Climate Change | Uganda | NGO |
Tanzania Integrated Environmental Management Ltd | Tanzania | Private Company |
Atrina International Group | China | Private Company |
Mauritanian League for Associative Actions | Mauritania | NGO |
Development Training and Research Associates Africa | Kenya | NGO |
Pristine Earth Collective | South Africa | NGO |
Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA) | Senegal | Public Institution |
Nádech z.s. | Czech Republic | NGO |
Fundación Vida Silvestre Ecuador | Ecuador | NGO |
Greentsika | Madagascar | Private Company |
Agir en Faveur de l'Environnement | Mauritania | NGO |
Biodiversity and Environmental Research Center (BERC) | State of Palestine | NGO |
Fundación Naturaleza El Salvador | El Salvador | NGO |
Shine Shil | Mongolia | Private Company |
Action de Lutte contre la Malaria | Burundi | NGO |
Fundación por la Integración de la Cultura y el Medio Ambiente | Argentina | NGO |
Arboles sin Fronteras | Argentina | NGO |
Qube Sustainable Industrial Solution | Bangladesh | Private Company |
New Safe Solar Solutions | Pakistan | NGO |
Tunisie Recyclage | Tunisia | NGO |
University of the Western Cape | South Africa | Educational Institution |
Asociación Comunitaria Unida por el Agua y la Agricultura | El Salvador | NGO |
Plastics SA | South Africa | NGO |
Lerotholi Polytechnic | Lesotho | Educational Institution |
Re-Earth Initiative | United Kingdom | NGO |
Bigere Business Company | Burundi | Private Company |
Mzuzu University | Malawi | Educational Institution |
Global Green - Consultoria Ambiental | Brazil | Private Company |
African Coalition on Green Growth (ACGG) | Uganda | NGO |
Zimbabwe Climate Change Coalition | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Emmaus International | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Southern Africa Climate Change Coalition | Botswana | NGO |
IIT-Kharagpur | India | Educational Institution |
Green Impact Foundation | India | NGO |
Applied Research Institute - Jerusalem (ARIJ) | State of Palestine | NGO |
Jamaica Environment Trust | Jamaica | NGO |
Association de Volontariat Touiza de la Wilaya d'Alger | Algeria | NGO |
Chipembere Community Development Organisation (CCDO) | Malawi | NGO |
Recycl'Africa | Rwanda | Private Company |
Université de Goma | Democratic Republic of Congo | Educational Institution |
iCHAT | Kosovo | NGO |
Asia Circular Economy Association | Hong Kong | NGO |
Slovak Eco Quality | Slovakia | NGO |
Le Congolais ONGD | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Ecoworld SL. Ltd | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Youth Advocacy and Development Network Uganda (YADNET) | Uganda | NGO |
Chemba District Council | Tanzania | Public Institution |
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University | Ethiopia | Educational Institution |
Sudanese Youth Organization for Climate Change | Sudan | NGO |
Youth Ecological Center (YEC) | Tajikistan | NGO |
Oceanium | Senegal | NGO |
Association des Jeunes Chercheurs des Sciences Environnementales (JCSE) | Tunisia | NGO |
Asegis Environment Protection Organization | Kenya | NGO |
Environment Lovers Association | Tunisia | NGO |
Association NAKHLA | Tunisia | NGO |
Clean Crew | Jamaica | Private Company |
Malta Youth in Agriculture Foundation (MaYA) | Malta | NGO |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University - Alexander Tvalchrelidze Caucasus Mineral Resources Institute | Georgia | Educational Institution |
Green Growth Generation | Italy | Private Company |
Akewa Accelerateur | Gabon | Social Enterprise |
Agricultural Development Association (PARC) | State of Palestine | NGO |
Caritas Georgia | Georgia | NGO |
Zibel | Malta | NGO |
Barbados Environmental Conservation Trust | Barbados | NGO |
Collectif Senegalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de l'Education Relative à l'Environnement (COSAPERE) | Senegal | NGO |
Clean World, LLC | Georgia | Private Company |
Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Renewable Energy and Environment Research Center | Iraq | Public Institution |
Friends of the Environment | Nigeria | NGO |
Eau Vie Environnement (EVE) | Senegal | NGO |
Equilibrium Medical Waste Management | South Africa | Private Company |
Indonesian Environment Fund | Indonesia | Public Institution |
Endangered Wildlife Conservation Organization (EWCO) | Uganda | NGO |
Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University | Kazakhstan | Non-Commercial Joint Stock Company |
Nelplast Eco Ghana Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Zesta Environmental Solutions Ltd. | Ghana | Private Company |
RecyclePoints | Nigeria | Private Company |
Environment, Biodiversity and Climate Change Forum | Ethiopia | NGO |
Digo Living | Nepal | Private Company |
NamiGreen E-waste | Namibia | Private Company |
Don’t Waste UK Ltd | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Green Consultancy Incorporated | Liberia | Private Company |
Green Planet South Sudan (GPSS) | South Sudan | NGO |
Tropical Power | Kenya | Private Company |
African Network of Young Leaders for Peace and Sustainable Development (ANYL4PSD) | Cameroon | NGO |
Integrated Environmental Management Solutions | Namibia | Private Company |
uMgungundlovu District Municipality | South Africa | Public Institution |
Women Relief Aid | South Sudan | NGO |
Madacompost SARL | Madagascar | Private Company |
Photons Energy Limited | Tanzania | Private Company |
Global Aim South Sudan | South Sudan | NGO |
Tunisian Green Energy | Tunisia | Private Company |
Association for Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement and Nestling (ARASMIN) | India | NGO |
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (FONCER TEDGIEER et CITADEL) | Canada | Educational Institution |
Alliance for the Protection of Biodiversity | Azerbaijan | NGO |
Youth Survival Organization | Tanzania | NGO |
Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS) | Ethiopia | NGO |
The Făgăraș Research Institute | Romania | Research Organisation |
Electrowaste Malta Ltd | Malta | Private Company |
Conservation Efforts for Community Development | Uganda | NGO |
Environmental Rehabilitation Program | South Sudan | NGO |
Community Development Programme Agency | Mauritius | NGO |
Ocean Sole | United States of America | NGO |
Urban Afrikanischer Traum | Uganda | NGO |
Stella's Voice | United Kingdom | NGO |
Neweco Ghana Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Let's Do It Peja | Kosovo | NGO |
Zanzibar Volunteers for Environmental Conservation | Tanzania | NGO |
Cleantech Cluster Lithuania | Lithuania | Business Cluster |
Tanzagreen Initiative | Tanzania | NGO |
Nature Care Cameroon | Cameroon | NGO |
Osienala | Kenya | NGO |
Enviral, Gather Round | United Kingdom | Private Company |
RUA Perú Nodo UNASAM | Peru | NGO |
Great Lakes Initiatives for Communities Empowerment | Burundi | NGO |
African Planners Institute | Uganda | Educational Institution |
Sukdeo Environment Plant Development and IT Center Molgi | India | NGO |
Eco Values for Sustainable Development | Jordan | NGO |
Organization for Community Engagement (OCE) | Tanzania | NGO |
Young Africa Namibia Trust | Namibia | NGO |
The Greens Movement of Georgia / Friends of the Earth Georgia | Georgia | NGO |
World Assembly of Youth | Malaysia | INGO |
Delta Engineering & Consulting Ltd (DELTEC) | Somalia | Private Company |
Association Catholique pour la Protection de l'Environnement au Burundi | Burundi | NGO |
Metaferia Consulting Engineers PLC | Ethiopia | Private Company |
Green Living Movement Eswatini | Kingdom of Eswatini | NGO |
Rak Media Group | South Sudan | Private Company |
Mr Recycle | South Africa | Private Company |
Green Wheelz | Jordan | NGO |
Action for Integrated Sustainable Development Association (AISDA) | Ethiopia | NGO |
Future Recycle | Jordan | Private Company |
Action for Development | South Sudan | NGO |
Association Eau et Développement (AED) | Tunisia | NGO |
Ma'an Youth Association for Environmental Protection | Jordan | NGO |
Millenium Management Consultants Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
29 Cycles | Kenya | Private Company |
Worldrise Onlus | Italy | NGO |
Africa Energy Service Group | Rwanda | Private Company |
Greenation | Egypt | NGO |
Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) | Pakistan | NGO |
Aquaclean Services Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
Khas Development Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
Alliance for Society Advancement | Georgia | NGO |
Daystar Environmental Club | Kenya | University Club |
Roshni Development Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
Asociación de Ingenieros Ambientales de La Paz | Bolivia | Association of Environmental Engineers |
Recikit | Senegal | NGO |
anAngel Ltd | Mauritius | NGO |
Climateka | Bulgaria | NGO |
Humanitarian Relief and Development Council (HRDC) | Somalia | NGO |
Innovative Youth For Competence | Pakistan | Private Company |
Max and Partners Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Youths and Environmental Advocacy Centre (YEAC) | Nigeria | NGO |
Sukaar Welfare Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
University of Eldoret | Kenya | Educational Institution |
Environmental Protection Agency | Liberia | Public Institution |
Ecolink Services | Kenya | Private Company |
Vintz Plastics Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
Sindh Green Foundation (SGF) | Pakistan | NGO |
Post Graduate Government College for Girls - 11, Chandigarh | India | Educational Institution |
ONG Page Verte Internationale | Ivory Coast | NGO |
Rockwill Green Energy East Africa Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia (SCNL) | Liberia | NGO |
African Youth for Sustainable Development | Ghana | NGO |
Sustainable Environment Development Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Equilibria | Rwanda | Private Company |
International Youth Council-Yemen | Yemen | NGO |
Arab Youth Sustainable Development Network (AYSDN) | Yemen | NGO |
National Forum for Environment and Sustainable Development (NFESD) | Yemen | NGO |
Association Congolaise pour le Développement Agricole (ACDA) | Republic of Congo | NGO |
Fédération des Coopératives des Pays de Mayoko (FECOPAM) | Republic of Congo | NGO |
H2O Gabon | Gabon | NGO |
PAL ENV LTD | Uganda | Private Company |
Sultan Consults Limited | Uganda | Private Company |
Zambia Institute of Environmental Management | Zambia | NGO |
Consultoria Energética Integral | Guatemala | Private Company |
Ubwiza Bwindabo Botanical Garden Ltd | Rwanda | Private Company |
SNZ HILTI Yemen | Yemen | Private Company |
Ecobinder Services Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
PAMM Environmental Services Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Vision for Sustainable Development | Uganda | NGO |
Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation | Nigeria | NGO |
Mukono Multipurpose Youth Organisation (MUMYO) | Uganda | NGO |
Ecological Christian Organisation | Uganda | NGO |
Kericho Water and Sanitation Company | Kenya | Private Company |
Mbou-Mon-Tour (MMT) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
africa aid project e.V. | Germany | NGO |
Aide, Assistance et Développement Communautaire de Côte d'Ivoire (ADC-CI) | Ivory Coast | NGO |
Emster Engineers and Corrosion Consultants Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Latvian Green Movement (LaGM) | Latvia | NGO |
Grupo VICAL | Guatemala | Private Company |
Conservation Trust Fund Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | Public Institution |
XSProject | Indonesia | NGO |
Kumari Solutions | South Africa | Private Company |
Committee for the Promotion of Public Awareness and Development Studies (COPPADES) | Nepal | NGO |
Save the Children International | Yemen | INGO |
Advocacy for Environmental Protection Ghana | Ghana | NGO |
Asociación Guateambiente | Guatemala | NGO |
Promising Youth | Libya | NGO |
Mother Nature Waste Management and Recycling Industry | India | Private Company |
Zindagi Development Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
Empereal Ruby Energy and Innovations | United Arab Emirates | Private Company |
Fundación Natura Bolivia | Bolivia | NGO |
Eco House Global | Argentina | NGO |
Albanian Centre for Environmental Governance | Albania | NGO |
Centre de Données Forestières | Central African Republic | Public Institution |
Geoambiente | Guatemala | Private Company |
Save My Future Foundation | Liberia | NGO |
Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement | Ivory Coast | NGO |
Ruya Energy | Yemen | Private Company |
Jaguar Rescue Center | Costa Rica | NGO |
Biohazard Waste Solutions EA Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Volunteers for Sustainable Development in Africa (VOSIEDA West Africa) | Liberia | NGO |
Green Belt Initiative (GBI) | South Sudan | NGO |
Earthcare | Bahamas | NGO |
Brostek Holdings | South Africa | Private Company |
Leks Environmental Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Clean Cooking Association of Kenya | Kenya | Private Company |
Ghana Youth Environmental Movement | Ghana | NGO |
Institute of Cultural Affairs Togo | Togo | NGO |
Sustainable Urban and Rural Integrated Development Organization (SURIDO) | Liberia | NGO |
Institute of Environmental Assessment | Ghana | NGO |
Globetech Remedial Nigeria Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Puntland Minority Women Development Organization | Somalia | NGO |
Bezaleel Turnkey Contractors Inc. | Liberia | Private Company |
Asociación de Voluntarios para el Servicio en las Áreas Protegidas (ASVO) | Costa Rica | NGO |
Réseau Gabonais pour l'Environnement et le Développement Durable (RGEDD) | Gabon | NGO |
Ressect | Kenya | Private Company |
EcoTechGeoEngineering LLC | Uzbekistan | Private Company |
Green Energy Solutions | Guatemala | Private Company |
Gabon Vert | Gabon | NGO |
Youth Climate Council Ghana | Ghana | NGO |
Masada Waste Management Company | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Kids Saving the Rainforest | Costa Rica | NGO |
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA) | Myanmar | NGO |
Friends of Nairobi National Park | Kenya | NGO |
Public Association "Women of Kazakhstan" | Kazakhstan | NGO |
The Dasht Foundation | Netherlands | NGO |
Flash Services Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
Friends of Usambara Society | Tanzania | NGO |
TOO Tabigat | Kazakhstan | Private Company |
Youth Public Association "Orleu Consulting" | Kazakhstan | NGO |
Youth Alliance for Environment (YAE) | Nepal | NGO |
Kilcullen Community 4 Climate Action | Ireland | NGO |
Ommar El Ard Recycling & Environmental Services | State of Palestine | Private Company |
ТОО "EcoLifeStroyService" | Kazakhstan | Private Company |
Incubator of Sustainable Development Projects | Kazakhstan | Private Company |
TOO "EcoFarmer" | Kazakhstan | Private Company |
Association pour la Sauvegarde de la Médina de Gafsa (ASM Gafsa) | Tunisia | NGO |
ONG Action pour la Défense de l'Education, de la Santé et de l'Environnement au Niger (ONG ADESEN-NAFA) | Niger | NGO |
Woro Ghana Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Réseau des Journalistes Nigériens contre le Terrorisme et le Crime Organisé | Niger | NGO |
Reserva Natural Atitlán | Guatemala | Private Company |
Autoridad para el Manejo Sustentable de la Cuenca del Lago de Atitlán y su Entorno (AMSCLAE) | Guatemala | Public Institution |
Greenglobe Ghana | Ghana | NGO |
Meg Wah | Cameroon | NGO |
Community Agriculture and Environmental Protection Association Cameroon | Cameroon | NGO |
Institute University of Science and Technology of Yaounde (IUSTY) | Cameroon | Educational Institution |
Luis Environmental Care Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
JAT Consulting | Togo | Private Company |
Alaghsan foundation for Agriculture and Environment Development | Iraq | NGO |
Federation of African Law Students | Ghana | NGO |
Ahla Fawda | Lebanon | NGO |
Somarelang Tikologo - Environmental Watch Botswana | Botswana | NGO |
Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO) | Sudan | NGO |
Let's Clean the Earth | Pakistan | Private Company |
Impact Libya | Libya | NGO |
Libyan Organization for Development | Libya | NGO |
Clean Ocean Project Ghana | Ghana | NGO |
Women for Fair Development (WOFAD) | Malawi | NGO |
Building Foundation Development | Yemen | NGO |
Heartland Environment and Safety Consultant | Kenya | Private Company |
Development Initiative Network (DIN Network) | Malawi | NGO |
Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation | Malawi | NGO |
Itron Communications Ltd. | Nigeria | Private Company |
Goterra Pty Ltd | Australia | Private Company |
Association Haïtienne de Solidarité (ASHAS) | Haiti | NGO |
Fundação Príncipe (FP) | Sao Tome and Principe | NGO |
Social Democratic Women Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development (Sunce) | Croatia | NGO |
Kiangure Springs Environment Initiative | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Instituto de Pesquisas e Educação Para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável | Brazil | NGO |
Ny Tanintsika | Madagascar | NGO |
Sudanese Development Initiative (SUDIA) | Sudan | NGO |
Environ Solutions | India | Private Company |
Sanergy Limited | Kenya | NGO |
Environment for Development (EfD) | Sweden | Global Network of Environmental Economics Research Centers |
Village Development Organization (VDO) | Pakistan | NGO |
Dialogue and Research Institute | South Sudan | NGO |
Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association (HEPCA) | Egypt | NGO |
Rainbow Watch and Development Centre | Nigeria | NGO |
African Sustainable Energy Association (AFSEA) | South Africa | NGO |
Green Ajloun Association For Environmental Development | Jordan | NGO |
Sindh Community Foundation | Pakistan | NGO |
Electro Recycling Ghana Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Musungidi DRC | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
University of Energy and Natural Resources | Ghana | Educational Institution |
Marine Life Society of South Australia Inc. | Australia | Educational Institution |
Federation of Environmental Organisations | Sri Lanka | NGO |
The Green Road | Bhutan | Private Company |
Centre de Recherche et d'Expertise pour le Développement Local (CREDEL) | Benin | NGO |
ebikes4africa | Namibia | Private Company |
Burhani Solar | Kenya | Private Company |
HALO Foundation 2019 | Bulgaria | NGO |
Nila Polycast Baction | India | Private Company |
Siruthuli | India | NGO |
American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists | United States of America | Certifying Organization |
Masrcorp Ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
Easy Solar | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Center for Environmental Education and Development (CEED) | Nigeria | NGO |
Youth Network for Positive Change (YOUNETPO) | Liberia | NGO |
Yav & Associates LLP | Democratic Republic of Congo | Law Firm |
Africa Green Magazine | Senegal | Private Company |
One Vision Kenya | Kenya | NGO |
ONG Green Zetra | Madagascar | NGO |
Solar Construct Ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
The MARE Foundation | Poland | NGO |
Loom Solar Private Limited | India | Private Company |
Enviraj Consulting Private Limited | India | Private Company |
Water Initiatives Nigeria | Nigeria | NGO |
KazStandard | Kazakhstan | Private Company |
Zero Waste Mongolia | Mongolia | NGO |
Umunthu Plus | Malawi | NGO |
Kiribati Climate Action Network | Kiribati | NGO |
Dharohar Vikas Sansha | India | NGO |
National Integrated Development Association (NIDA-Pakistan) | Pakistan | NGO |
Canadian Organisation for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation | Costa Rica | NGO |
Life Concern Organisation (LICO) | Malawi | NGO |
Lebanese House Establishment for Environment (LHEE) | Lebanon | NGO |
Cross-Border UNION for Flora, Fauna & Biodiversity | North Macedonia | NGO |
Go Green Save the Environment | Malawi | NGO |
Hefth Alneama Society | Bahrain | NGO |
Golden Swan GE SL | Equatorial Guinea | Private Company |
Shree Hari Group | Equatorial Guinea | Private Company |
Human Organization for Peaceful Environment | Pakistan | NGO |
Oxygen Association | Libya | NGO |
Philippine Initiative for Environmental Conservation | Philippines | NGO |
Diwo Ambiental | Costa Rica | NGO |
Organization for Human Development (OHD) | Pakistan | NGO |
SGT Solatel Green Technology | Egypt | Private Company |
Unelco Engie | Vanuatu | Private Company |
Suntastic Solutions Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Ferreira & Company | Bahamas | Private Company |
Vortechs Management | United States of America | Private Company |
R J N Enterprises | India | Private Company |
Green Heroes Community Based Organization | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Technology Partners Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
Sustain Afric | Cameroon | NGO |
Youth Forward Congo | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversité Marine (FoProBiM) | Haiti | NGO |
Hand in Hand Switzerland | Switzerland | NGO |
Associaçao dos Jovens Agricultores da Guiné-Bissau (AJAGB) | Guinea-Bissau | NGO |
Civil Centre for Peace, Justice and Development | Nigeria | NGO |
WasteCap | United States of America | NGO |
United Voices to Serve Forest and Environment (USFE) | Cameroon | NGO |
NGO ”Terra-1530” | Moldova | NGO |
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication | Bangladesh | NGO |
Association des jeunes pour le développement du Ouaddai | Chad | NGO |
Association des Amis de la Nature (AAN) | Burundi | NGO |
African Centre for Climate Actions and Rural Development (ACCARD) Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
RMENA for Human Relief & Development | Yemen | NGO |
Clean Middle East - Media Fusion | United Arab Emirates | Private Company |
Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan | Uzbekistan | Public Institution |
Palme Africaine Group SARL | Democratic Republic of Congo | Private Company |
Asabe Shehu Yar'Adua Foundation (ASYARF) | United States of America | NGO |
Shark Spotters | South Africa | NGO |
Save Our Environment Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Umunthu Foundation | Malawi | NGO |
National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) | Uganda | NGO |
Sustainable Irrigation Management Engineers Cooperation (SIMEC) | Rwanda | NGO |
The Green Protector | Rwanda | NGO |
Habitat Protection and Sustainable Development Initiative (HAPSDI) | Nigeria | NGO |
OmirStroy | Kazakhstan | Private Company |
Save Generations Organization | Rwanda | NGO |
Society Development Committee (SDC) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Association des Scientifiques Environnementalistes pour un Développement Intégré (ASEDI) | Togo | NGO |
Berkie Humanitarian Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
EnvoPAP | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Keep Georgia Tidy (KGT) | Georgia | NGO |
Ashraqat Organization for Scientific Research and Sustainable Development | Yemen | NGO |
Environmental Management Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Jigimar Youth Association | Gambia | NGO |
World Wide Initiative for Development/Hands For the Little (WWID/HFL) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Young Africans Community Empowerment Initiative, Sierra Leone (YACEI-SL) | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Center for Environmental Advocacy and Development | South Sudan | NGO |
Sustainable Health Initiative | Gambia | NGO |
aGlobal Alliance for a Healthy Society (GAHSO) | Kenya | NGO |
The Greener Earth Project | United Kingdom | NGO |
Gender-Environment and Development Action Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Wecare Organization | Kenya | NGO |
Gunjur Environmental Protection And Development Group (GEPADG) | Gambia | NGO |
Cool Planet | Australia | Private Company |
Biakwan Light Green Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (COH&S) | Zimbabwe | Educational Institution |
Community Development and Empowerment Actors (CODEA) CBO | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Ocean Blue Project | United States of America | NGO |
Action for Climate Change and Environmental Conservation | Uganda | NGO |
Countryside Environmental Conservation-Uganda (CECO-Uganda) | Uganda | NGO |
Blessed Aid | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Center for Natural Resource Studies | Bangladesh | NGO |
Habitat Integrated Pakistan | Pakistan | NGO |
Puratium | United States of America | Digital Learning Platform |
Xchange Perspectives EA | Kenya | NGO |
Beach Cleaner | Germany | Private Company |
The Corbett Foundation | India | NGO |
African Union of Conservationists (AUC) | Uganda | NGO |
Safe Water and AIDS Project (SWAP) | Kenya | NGO |
EKOMONS | Serbia | Private Company |
Village Energy | Uganda | NGO |
International Organization For Human Right Development And Environment | Nigeria | NGO |
Babul Films Society | India | NGO |
Xumek. Asociación para la Promoción y Protección de Derechos Humanos | Argentina | NGO |
Assure Uganda (AU) | Uganda | Social Enterprise |
Climate Change Africa Opportunities (CCAO) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Timret for Development and Growth Organization | Ethiopia | NGO |
Kamboo Project | Cambodia | NGO |
Climate and Life | Botswana | NGO |
Big Blue Ocean Cleanup | United Kingdom | INGO |
Tanzeem Tahafaz-E-Maholiat Environmental Protection Organization (EPO) | Pakistan | INGO |
Green Impact Consulting | Democratic Republic of Congo | Private Company |
Dalit Alliance for Natural Resources | Nepal | NGO |
River cleanup | Belgium | NGO |
Bangladesh Integrated Social Advancement Programme (BISAP) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Community Assistance In Development (COMAID) | Cameroon | NGO |
Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Studies | Nigeria | NGO |
Mutasa Youth Forum & Community Empowerment Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
GlobalSHEQ Ltd. | Brazil | NGO |
Synergistic Globe | Tanzania | NGO |
Sustainable Environmental Services | Pakistan | NGO |
Conservation Action Trust | India | NGO |
VolCare Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Young Volunteers for the Environment | Gambia | NGO |
Climate Protection Zambia | Zambia | NGO |
Reaching the Unreached Tanzania (RUT) | Tanzania | NGO |
Youth Alliance Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
All-In-One Family Empowerment Group | Uganda | NGO |
United Safe Environment Creators (USEC) | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Banlastic Egypt | Egypt | NGO |
The Outreach Social Care Foundation | Canada | NGO |
Second Life | Singapore | Private Company |
Action For Development Organization | Cambodia | NGO |
GoingZero | India | Private Company |
SDGs Academy of Pakistan | Pakistan | Private Company |
Environment Trust of Kenya | Kenya | NGO |
Pan African e-Waste Solutions Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Kikim Media | United States of America | Private Company |
Prime Initiative for Green Development | Nigeria | NGO |
Culture and Environment Preservation Association | Cambodia | NGO |
Save Lamu | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Voluntary Integration for Education and Welfare of Society (VIEWS) | India | NGO |
Green Habitat Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Fidel Birhan Charitable Organization | Ethiopia | NGO |
Green Horizon | Cameroon | NGO |
Associação Cazenga Verde | Angola | NGO |
Green Leaf Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. | India | Private Company |
Mother Earth Project | United States of America | NGO |
Occupation of Rural Economic Development and Agriculture (OREDA) | Cambodia | NGO |
Partnership for Development in Kampuchea (PADEK) | Cambodia | NGO |
Sahyogi | India | NGO |
Centre of Studies and Research in Animal Sciences (CERSA-FONDATION) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Sustainable Environment Food and Agriculture Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
ODV Corpo Forestale Volontario ESAF ets | Italy | NGO |
Empower And Care Organization (EACO) | Uganda | NGO |
Association de Tourisme et de Loisirs, Echanges de jeunes et de développement Durable (ATLED) | Algeria | NGO |
Family Green Corporation | Cameroon | NGO |
South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE) | India | Civil Society Organisation |
Association Ivoirienne de Valorisation des déchets Plastiques | Ivory Coast | NGO |
Environment, Health and Safety Myanmar (EHS Myanmar) | Myanmar | NGO |
Knottted With Love | India | Private Company |
Phaeluna | France | Private Company |
Root Logix LLP | India | Private Company |
Sustainable Livelihood Initiative India Pvt. Ltd. | India | Social Enterprise |
Young Women Campaign Against AIDS (YWCAA) | Kenya | Social Enterprise |
Siel Environmental Services Limited | Trinidad and Tobago | Private Company |
Queers X Climate | United States of America | Social Enterprise |
Jijenge Youth Organisation | Kenya | Youth Lead Community Organisation |
Whole Planet Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Keepers Zambia Foundation | Zambia | NGO |
Demislog Integrated | Nigeria | Private Company |
Ripon Enterprise | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Community Voices for Environmental Justice | Ghana | NGO |
Rural Development Foundation (RUDEFO) | Cameroon | NGO |
Teodora Ltd | Ukraine | Private Company |
Brainric Foundation | South Africa | NGO |
Nasuti Yange Foundation | Uganda | NGO |
Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association | Nigeria | NGO |
Intouch Youth Development and Community Justice | South Africa | NGO |
Association pour le Développement Durable (ADD) | Mauritius | NGO |
Association of Green Champions | Kenya | NGO |
Singapore Engineering & Contracting | Qatar | Private Company |
United Social Welfare Society | Pakistan | NGO |
FUTECO Association | Mozambique | NGO |
Regenerative Safari | Kenya | NGO |
Petnella Nature Systems ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Mega Interior and Construction Ltd | Trinidad and Tobago | Private Company |
Proficient Steel and Aluminum Company Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Global Media Advertising Limited | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Lake Naivasha Basin Landscape Association (LANABLA) | Kenya | NGO |
Society for Community Organization and Rural Education (SCORE) | India | NGO |
Rural Community and Environment Development Organization (RCEDO) | Cambodia | NGO |
AJVDC Climate Actions Congo | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
GREEN CA Network | Kyrgyzstan | Network of Environmental Experts |
Cameroon League for Development | Cameroon | NGO |
Balochistan Rural Development Society | Pakistan | NGO |
ARC Solutions Pvt Ltd | India | Private Company |
Green Concern for Development (GREENCODE) | Nigeria | NGO |
Global Village Foundation (Yayasan Kampung Seduna) | Indonesia | NGO |
Union pour la Promotion/Protection, la Défense des Droits Humains et de l'Environnement (UPDDHE/GL) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Change Human's Life | Ivory Coast | NGO |
Actions Solidaires et Multisectorielles pour le Développement Endogène/Relief | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Aid for Socio-Economic and Rural Development (ASERD-GHANA) | Ghana | NGO |
Alliance for Empowering Rural Communities | Ghana | NGO |
Forum Global de Chercheurs d'Alternatives (FGCA) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
AMOSA Institute of Occupational, Safety, Health and Environment (AIOSHE) | Zimbabwe | Educational Institution |
Hear Our Voices Foundation | Zambia | NGO |
Oganiru African Concept | Nigeria | Private Company |
Total Waste Management | Nigeria | Private Company |
Mosselbank River Conservation Team | South Africa | NGO |
Development Assistance International | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Kisoro International Vocational Institute | Uganda | Educational Institution |
Digital Heritage Preservationists Platform | Rwanda | NGO |
H.H.H. Pest Control and Environmental Management | Malawi | NGO |
Agriculture and Forestry Research & Development Center for Mountainous Region (ADC) | Vietnam | NGO |
Femmes et Education des Adultes (FEDA) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Safeplan Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Man Of The Earth Organization | Nigeria | NGO |
KBN TV | Zambia | Private Company |
Partnership for Sustainable Development in Liberia (PSDL) | Liberia | NGO |
Fondation Ishiabwe Kithoko André (FONDIKA) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Action d’Encadrement des Jeunes Femmes pour le Developpement Durable au Congo (AEJFDC) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Organization for Peace, Relief and Development (OPRD) | South Sudan | NGO |
ONG Développement pour un Mieux Être (DEMI-E) | Niger | NGO |
National Youth Network on Climate Change (NYNCC) | Malawi | NGO |
Action de Solidarité des Femmes pour le Développement en Milieu Rural (ASOFED-MR) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Tecnibio S.A. | Ecuador | Private Company |
SOS Secours à la Femme en Détresse (SOS SFD) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
EC Operations | Suriname | Private Company |
Sindhica Reforms Society | Pakistan | NGO |
Lighting Youths Network | Nigeria | NGO |
Réseau pour l'Emergence et le Développement des Ecovillages au Sénégal (REDES) | Senegal | NGO |
WeVOL Costa Rica | Costa Rica | Private Company |
Sibanye Animal Welfare and Conservancy | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Trisense Media and Organisation Services | Zambia | Educational Institution |
Education Pacific Agency | Papua New Guinea | Educational Institution |
Organisation de Défense de l'Environnement et le Développement Durable (ODEB) | Burundi | NGO |
Pacesetters Youth Network Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
SustiGlobal | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Youth Progressive Environmental Solutions (YPES) | Malawi | Private Company |
Rural Advancement Committee for Bangladesh (RAC-Bangladesh) | Bangladesh | NGO |
African Centre for Community and Development | Cameroon | NGO |
Action Communautaire d'Appui au Développement | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Nantambalele Niokoe Foundation | Tanzania | NGO |
Initiatives on Restoration of Hope for People with Disability (IRHPD) | Tanzania | NGO |
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of South Florida | United States of America | NGO |
Litac Africa Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
The Productive Youths Development Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Meru University of Science and Technology | Kenya | Public Institution |
Fédération des Femmes pour le Développement Intégral au Congo (FEDICONGO) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Active Youth for Sustainable Peace Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Sustainable Ocean Alliance Caribbean (SOA Caribbean) | Trinidad and Tobago | NGO |
Aurae Opus Foundation | Suriname | NGO |
Gifted Cleaning Services | Papua New Guinea | Private Company |
Weyone Recycling & Agro Company | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Chiano Global Ventures Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
ProHumane Afrique International | Ghana | Private Company |
Youth Partnership for Aquaculture Development SL Ltd | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
STOA Architects and Engineers Liberia | Liberia | Private Company |
Asociatia Comunitati Pentru Tineret | Romania | NGO |
M-Kids Association | Mauritius | NGO |
Samkonnect Travels and Tours | Nigeria | Private Company |
Sustainable Agroecological Development Action | Kenya | NGO |
Asociatia De Teatru Experimental Clandestin | Romania | NGO |
Europski Klaster Alpe Adria Pannonia | Serbia | INGO |
West African Bird Study Association | Gambia | NGO |
Eco Travel Gambia | Gambia | Community Based Organisation |
WEGEN Charitable Organization | Ethiopia | NGO |
Swazi Organics | Kingdom of Eswatini | Private Company |
WADI Iraq | Iraq | NGO |
Nurture Imvelo Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Nimba Concern Youth for Change (NCYC) | Liberia | NGO |
Greenwise Consult Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Rural Women's Network Nepal (RUWON Nepal) | Nepal | NGO |
Save Vietnam's Wildlife | Vietnam | NGO |
Green Yatra Trust | India | NGO |
JCI Youth | Ukraine | NGO |
Tusaidiane Disabilities Resources and Charity Organization of Tanzania (TDRCT) | Tanzania | NGO |
South Sudan National Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture | South Sudan | Business Membership Organization |
Youth for Human Rights International - Nigeria Chapter | Nigeria | INGO |
Jeunesse pour la Paix et le Développement du Monde Rural (JPDMR) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Adako Pest Solutions | Liberia | NGO |
Enabling Rural Opportunity Network (ERONet) | Uganda | Community Based Organisation |
Union pour la Promotion des Femmes (UPF) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Unity Initiative for Refugee (UIR) | Kenya | NGO |
Greenchip Recycling Limited | Trinidad and Tobago | Private Company |
The One Nimba House Media Inc (Nimba D-9 TV) | Liberia | Educational Institution |
Youth Nexus | Bangladesh | NGO |
Children and Families Ltd | United Kingdom | Children's Centre |
Smiles Africa International Youth Development Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Air2Power Limited | Papua New Guinea | NGO |
Sustainable Environmental Awake (SEA) | Uganda | NGO |
Ntsasa Group of Companies | Lesotho | Private Company |
Sickle Cell Association Banjul Chapter | Gambia | NGO |
World Toilet Organization | Singapore | INGO |
Destiny Hope Foundation | Tanzania | NGO |
HORDINT Network | Nigeria | Social Enterprise |
Social Welfare & Agricultural Development Organization | Somalia | NGO |
Rea Vaya Travel and Tours | Botswana | Private Company |
Caritas Fiji | Fiji | NGO |
Dominican Foundation for Marine Studies | Dominican Republic | NGO |
ATTAWARE Biodegradable | India | Private Company |
Thirtyone Ventures | India | Private Company |
Soulbent project | South Africa | NGO |
Royals food basket | Nigeria | Private Company |
BIOPROTECT-B | Burkina Faso | Private Company |
Center of Albanian Development | Albania | NGO |
J. K. Filters | India | Private Company |
Sterile Clean Solutions Ltd | Zambia | Private Company |
Débarrasser l'Environnement des Plastiques (DEP-PVC) | Mali | NGO |
Synergie des Organisations de la Société Civile pour l'Environnement, le Changement Climatique, la Désertification et le Développement Durable en République Démocratique du Congo (SOECDD/RDC) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Triple S Solutions & Services Private Limited | Pakistan | Private Company |
People's Action for National Integration (PANI) | India | NGO |
Liter of Light | Philippines | NGO |
African Centre for Innovative Research and Development (AFRI-CIRD) | Nigeria | NGO |
World Human Rights & Peace Commission | India | NGO |
Community Development Center | Ukraine | NGO |
People Empowering People Africa (PEP Africa) | United States of America | INGO |
JOS Green Centre | Nigeria | NGO |
Dennis Architectural And Construction | Ghana | Private Company |
Associação SOS Amazônia | Brazil | NGO |
Dynamisme des Jeunes Solidaires du Togo (DJS Togo) | Togo | NGO |
TAPP Water (Malta) Ltd | Malta | Private Company |
Higher Institute for Professional Development and Training | Cameroon | NGO |
Environment Conservation and Community Development Association (ECCDA) | Laos | NGO |
Sedarvp Ghana | Ghana | NGO |
Lao Natural Resources and River Network | Laos | NGO |
Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) | Nigeria | NGO |
Act for Kids | Rwanda | NGO |
Centre for Electronic Waste | Kenya | Social Enterprise |
Wisecom Realty Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Nets Engineering Solutions Ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
Dulce Services (SL) Limited | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Powerplane Services | Nigeria | Private Company |
Rikishi Compost | Nepal | Private Company |
SICRI | New Zealand | NGO |
Social Youth Development - K.A.NE. | Greece | NGO |
Midlands Aids Support Organization | Zimbabwe | NGO |
GEOAP | Morocco | Private Company |
Greenstad Projects Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
FeDems Ltd | Ghana | Private Company |
Agribusiness Innovation and Climate Resilience Support Organization | Uganda | NGO |
Énergie Verte Accessible à Tous (EVAT) | Cameroon | Private Company |
Legacy Housing And Real Estate Ltd Cameroon | Cameroon | Private Company |
Action for Humanitarian Initiatives Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Human Power Organisation | Malawi | NGO |
Solidarity of Refugee Women for the Social Welfare (SOFERES) | Malawi | NGO |
Youth Go Green Network Liberia | Liberia | NGO |
The Climate Route APS | Italy | NGO |
True African Tours and Travel Safaris Limited | Uganda | Private Company |
Dogs In Rehabilitation Foundation | Pakistan | NGO |
Tellus Energy Solutions Limited | Trinidad and Tobago | Private Company |
Foundation for Energy, Climate and Environment (FECE) | Tanzania | NGO |
New Century Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
VolNepal | Nepal | NGO |
Himalayan Circuit | Nepal | Private Company |
Delta Association of Chambers of Commerce Industry Mines and Agriculture | Nigeria | NGO |
QHSE Engineering Services | India | Educational Institution |
Western Greenville Global Resources Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
CARDO Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Green Park Environmental Services Intl Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Tanzania Sustainable Development Implementation Organization (TSDIO) | Tanzania | NGO |
Waterways Watch Society | Singapore | NGO |
Perfect Relief Foundation International | Ghana | NGO |
Tec-Liberia | Liberia | Private Company |
A M Limited Chennai | India | Private Company |
Hope for Street Children and Vulnerable People Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Human Capital Institute Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Street Children Empowerment Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Youth Network for Reform (YONER Liberia) | Liberia | NGO |
Multi-Spectrum Nigeria Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Orfeas A.M.K.E. | Greece | NGO |
Youth Advocates Ghana (YAG) | Ghana | NGO |
Care and Development Centre | Nigeria | NGO |
EnHydro Consultancy (PTY) Ltd | Lesotho | Private Company |
Kameel Rayes Aerial Photography | Lebanon | Private Company |
Bupilo Foundation of Zambia | Zambia | NGO |
Ngulde Global Foundation (NGF360) | Nigeria | NGO |
Youth Advocates for Peace and Community Empowerment Cameroon (YAPCEC) | Cameroon | NGO |
E-waste Initiative Kenya | Kenya | NGO |
Sima Community Based Organization | Kenya | NGO |
Abass Mohammed Educational and Travel Expert Consult (AMETEC) | Ghana | Private Company |
Opulent Management and Environment OME Uganda Ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
Plenty Belize | Belize | NGO |
Institute of Professional Studies | Bhutan | Educational Institution |
Today's Afghanistan Conciliation Trust (TACT) | Afghanistan | NGO |
Silua Foundation Complex for Empowering Children and Community Development (SIFOCO) | Uganda | NGO |
Teachers Education Academy | Estonia | Educational Institution |
Usungette Enterprise | Nigeria | Private Company |
Doveland Community Development Organization | Uganda | NGO |
Lion's Club of Calcutta Mahangar | India | NGO |
Foundation for Environmental Rights, Advocacy & Development (FENRAD NIGERIA) | Nigeria | NGO |
Global Climate Change Foundation (GCCF) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Zimbabwe Smallholder Organic Farmers Forum (ZIMSOFF) | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Enking International | Mexico | Private Company |
Crossroads Excel Academy | Papua New Guinea | Educational Institution |
Heart of Sustainable Development Initiative Bonny | Nigeria | NGO |
Concept 360 | Seychelles | Private Company |
Rescue Youth International | Liberia | NGO |
Safroneya Holistic Wellbeing Centre | India | Private Company |
1IB | India | Private Company |
Solidaire Governance Forum (Solidaire Ghana) | Ghana | NGO |
Badore Engineering Pvt ltd | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia Inc | Saint Lucia | NGO |
BCT Senegal | Senegal | Private Company |
Together for Africa | Uganda | NGO |
Public Health Foundation of Liberia | Liberia | NGO |
Association for Community People (ACP-Bangladesh) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Literacy India | India | NGO |
Trav-Interactive (Trav Holdings Ltd) | Kenya | Private Company |
Alpha Omega World Development Marshall Programme Inc. | Philippines | NGO |
Green United Waste Management Services, Inc. | Philippines | Private Company |
Conseil Consultatif de Femme Africaine | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
RSEEO Bénin | Benin | NGO |
Shamba Box | Tanzania | NGO |
TINADA Youth Organization (TiYO) | Kenya | NGO |
Comunidad Protectora de Tortugas de Osa (COPROT) | Costa Rica | NGO |
Rosa Solar Stoves | Zambia | Private Company |
Healthy Pakistan Wealthy Pakistan | Pakistan | NGO |
The National Voice | Ghana | NGO |
African Youth Development Link | Uganda | NGO |
Voice for Africa Development Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Mahamana Innovative Technologies Welfare Society | India | NGO |
Blog4SDGs | Nigeria | NGO |
Youth Initiative for Sustainable Development | Malawi | NGO |
Environmental Protection in the Caribbean (EPIC) | United States of America | NGO |
Eco-Culture Organization | Lesotho | NGO |
Treat Every Environment Special | Malaysia | Social Enterprise |
Young Life Youth Initiatives Liberia Inc | Liberia | NGO |
Sea & Learn Foundation | Saba | NGO |
Judah IT Solutions | India | Private Company |
ONG Main Invisible | Benin | NGO |
Care Outreach Initiative Inc | Liberia | NGO |
BSC Lifestyle Ltd | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Corners of Shangrila Travels | Bhutan | Private Company |
Njeremoto Biodiversity Institute (NBI-Zim) | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Save Life Gambia | Gambia | NGO |
Quendecko Zonges Waterway Drillers | Papua New Guinea | Private Company |
Master Oladseg Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Development and Environmental Conservation Organisation (DECO) | South Sudan | NGO |
Beakanyang | Gambia | NGO |
CRIAD-Africa | Nigeria | NGO |
Chamber of Cosmetics Industry of the Philippines, Inc. (CCIP) | Philippines | NGO |
Hopes Malaysia Welfare Association | Malaysia | NGO |
Poverty Alleviation for the Poor Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Jacio Environmental Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Global Peace Building Network | Moldova | Network |
Community Research and Development Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
Advocacy for Justice and Empowerment Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Siyakholwa Care Centre | South Africa | NGO |
Association SIDRA | Algeria | NGO |
Aeon for Ocean | United States of America | NGO |
SAMO Foundation | Cameroon | NGO |
Green-Up Gambia | Gambia | NGO |
Charity Action | Uganda | NGO |
RiverSmart Australia Ltd | Australia | NGO |
Global Educational, Economic and Social Empowerment (GEESE) | Pakistan | NGO |
Clean Water and Sanitation Africa (CWASAF) | Cameroon | NGO |
Haki Centre | Kenya | NGO |
EHSAR Foundation | Pakistan | NGO |
Liberian Youth for Climate Actions | Liberia | NGO |
Earth The Lost Heaven | Afghanistan | NGO |
Gift a child initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
No Excuse Slovenia | Slovenia | NGO |
GonetAfrica | Liberia | NGO |
Jadir Taekwondo Association (AJTKD) | Brazil | NGO |
Suva Harbour Foundation | Fiji | NGO |
Earth Crusaders Organisation (ECO) | India | NGO |
Makhadzi Project | South Africa | NGO |
Elite Nano Pacific | Fiji | Educational Institution |
TJF Investments CC | Namibia | Private Company |
The Development Horizons Foundation | Mongolia | NGO |
The Fabulous Woman Network | Ghana | NGO |
Action des Volontaires pour le Développement Intégré (AVODI KIVU) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
PAK Human Development Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
PNG Rural Development Inc | Papua New Guinea | NGO |
Kaswanga Permaculture and Syntropic Agroforestry Project | Kenya | NGO |
Protean Fuel Cells | Canada | Private Company |
Care for Nature Zambia | Zambia | NGO |
Youth Empowerment Organisation | South Sudan | NGO |
EMarket | Philippines | Private Company |
Cob | Greece | Educational Institution |
Jielimishe Kwanza | Tanzania | Private Company |
Bask Organics | Uganda | Private Company |
Thuto Boswa Rehabilitation Centre | Botswana | NGO |
Zambia National Students Union | Zambia | NGO |
Phresearchconsulting Pty | South Africa | Private Company |
Glorious Container Conversions Uganda ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
Fisheries Action Coalition Team | Cambodia | NGO |
TEX Detergent | Cameroon | Private Company |
La Coopérative, Réseau des Jeunes Ingénieurs pour la Promotion de l'Assurance Qualité Alimentaire au Mali (REJIPAQAM) | Mali | NGO |
Orient Paradise LLC | Mongolia | Private Company |
Lds foods pvt Ltd | Pakistan | Private Company |
Ummy Relief Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
RNR Agri Developers | India | Private Company |
United Youth For Sustainable Globe Eswatini | Kingdom of Eswatini | NGO |
Association des Personnes Vivant avec Handicap (APVH Congo) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Sports Organisation of Lugazi | Uganda | NGO |
Epsilon Uganda Limited | Uganda | NGO |
Global Humanitarian Rescue Mission (GHRM NGO) | Zambia | NGO |
Makase Consulting | Malawi | Private Company |
Institute of International Peace Leaders | Pakistan | NGO |
Kids Happiness Foundation SL | Sierra Leone | NGO |
SeedPro Company | Kenya | Private Company | | Ivory Coast | Private Company |
Action de Solidarité Communautaire (ASCO) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Youth Climate Change Initiative Liberia | Liberia | NGO |
Niskayuna Rotary Club | United States of America | NGO |
Syntropic & Permaculture Solutions | Curaçao | Private Company |
ESAI EN ROI Cultural Organization of Macedonia - Thrace | Greece | NGO |
Learning Tree Publishers | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Kishoka Youth Organization | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Green Champions Initiative | Malawi | NGO |
Volunteers Action Foundation Nepal (VAFON) | Nepal | NGO |
The We Foundation | India | NGO |
Redemption Against Poverty Organization (RAPO) | Tanzania | NGO |
Officers Academy For Professional Studies And Training | India | Educational Institution |
Buinho | Portugal | NGO |
Gumasema Adventures & Safaris | Botswana | Private Company |
Billy for Compassion, Humanity and Empathy | Algeria | NGO |
Charleston Meneko Services International Limited (CMSIL) | Nigeria | Private Company |
Biological Sciences Student Association | Liberia | Educational Institution |
Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation | Bhutan | Trust |
Future Resilience and Development Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Mercy Street Environmental Services | Nigeria | Private Company |
Z X Trading & Transport Services Co. | Qatar | Private Company |
Gifted Africa Foundation (GAF) | Liberia | NGO |
Agri Bio Consulting (ABC) | Cameroon | Private Company |
Center of Research for Environment, Energy and Water (CREEW) | Nepal | NGO |
Social Work Institute (SWI) | Nepal | NGO |
Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) | Bhutan | NGO |
aAssociation des Professionnels de l'Eau et l'Assainissement du Cameroun | Cameroon | Association |
Basket of Hope Charity Organization for Children and Women in Liberia | Liberia | NGO |
ICS Ltd | Ghana | Private Company |
The Apple Revolution Common Initiative Group | Cameroon | Public Institution |
Fiji Organic Research Center for Excellence (FORCE) | Fiji | Private Company |
Arab Experts Forum | Iraq | INGO |
The Animal Fund (TAF) | Monaco | NGO |
Projexel Foundation | India | NGO |
Stay Smart Cleaning Services | Kenya | Private Company |
Oceania | French Polynesia | Association |
Eswatini Epilepsy Organization | Kingdom of Eswatini | NGO |
Excel With Us Tutors | Kenya | Educational Institution |
Let's Do It Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Neriko Electronics | Uganda | Private Company |
Mafia Ornithological and Research Centre | Tanzania | NGO |
Open Ocean Science Center | Egypt | Educational Institution |
Looe Marine Conservation Group | United Kingdom | NGO |
Magamba Eco-cultural Tourism | Tanzania | Private Company |
Hennops Revival NPO | South Africa | NGO |
Zakia Hamdard Foundation | India | NGO |
Waheed Centre for Humanity and Humanitarian Development (WCHHD) | Ghana | NGO |
National Agency for Scientific Research Promotion | Tunisia | Public Institution |
Da Hawwa Lur | Pakistan | NGO |
Young Star Development Organization (YSDO) | Pakistan | NGO |
Association of Vocational Trainers in Kenya | Kenya | Educational Institution |
Shri Sarswati Vidhya Seva Mandal | India | Educational Institution |
Statewide Waste and Environmental Education Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Sustainable Innovations Welfare Society (SIWS) | India | NGO |
Mithatpasa Ortaokulu | Turkey | Educational Institution |
Biyar Local Support Organization (BLSO) | Pakistan | NGO |
Center for Community Development | Albania | NGO |
Wildlife and Environmental Conservation project-Uganda | Uganda | Private Company |
Zulu On Earth Ecovillage | South Africa | NGO |
Rising Fountains Development Programme | Zambia | NGO |
TuCAN | Tuvalu | NGO |
IVS Training | New Zealand | Educational Institution |
Organization for Safety And Sustainability (OSAS) | Lebanon | NGO |
Green World Consulting & Services | France | Private Company |
Business Acceleration for Young Entrepreneurs in Africa | Kenya | Private Company |
Re Sustainability Limited | Indfia | Private Company |
Radio Link 89.1 FM | Ghana | Private Company |
Chyau Biotechnologies | Nepal | Private Company |
International Wildlife Management Institute (IWMI) | Peru | Educational Institution |
Probha Aurora Ltd. | Bangladesh | Social Enterprise |
The 2nd Chance Charity Shop | Mauritius | Private Company |
Allied Youth Initiative - Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Center for People & Environ (CPE) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Papa Festival Kilifi-Kenya | Kenya | Private Company |
Agrozone Consultancy Services | Nigeria | NGO |
Davis Agricultural Engineering Solutions | Uganda | Private Company |
Emerald Hotel (Shumuk Properties Ltd) | Uganda | Private Company |
Association Kreo | Albania | NGO |
Cambridge Institute of Tourism Management Tanzania | Tanzania | Educational Institution |
2MB Official Merchandise | Togo | NGO |
Reimagine Agriculture | Canada | NGO |
Bluebio Water Philippines Inc. | Philippines | Private Company |
Yesha Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Green Eco Africa Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Youth Employment Creation Initiative (YECI) | Zambia | NGO |
K Ackah & Company | Ghana | Private Company |
Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Foundation (STBHF) | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development (REPID) | Pakistan | NGO |
Poil Group | Lebanon | Private Company |
Wildlife Conservation Society of Tanzania | Tanzania | NGO |
Human Development Organization Doaba | Pakistan | NGO |
Rabt Development Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
Feminist Dalit Organization | Nepal | NGO |
Pak Women | Pakistan | NGO |
Rural Development Organization (RDO) Buner KPK Pakistan | Pakistan | NGO |
We Do GREEN Organization (WDGO) | Rwanda | NGO |
The Darklands Foundation | Panama | NGO |
Child Rights Defence Welfare Organization Pakistan | Pakistan | NGO |
Desh Bhagat University | India | Educational Institution |
SaferRwanda | Rwanda | NGO |
Paddysco Sports Limited | Nigeria | Educational Institution |
Shirkat Gah | Pakistan | NGO |
S3D-Niger | Niger | Private Company |
Ghana Clean Advocacy | Ghana | NGO |
Plastoconomy Foundation | India | NGO |
Wildlife and Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka (WNPS) | Sri Lanka | NGO |
Best Hope | United Kingdom | NGO |
Ranjay Adventures | Kenya | Private Company |
Center for Environmental Peacebuilding | United States of America | NGO |
Smart Snout LTD | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Forum for Financial and Economic Inclusion | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Madagascar Population Health Environment (PHE) Network | Madagascar | NGO |
Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Asian Center for Environmental Health | Bangladesh | NGO |
Sylvanilla | Switzerland | Private Company |
National Superannuation Fund Limited | Papua New Guinea | Private Company |
Community Development Organisation | Pakistan | NGO |
Sustainable Peace and Development Organization (SPADO) | Pakistan | NGO |
Youth Service Gambia | Gambia | NGO |
Community Health Education on Disease Control and Prevention (CHED-COP-Liberia, Inc.) | Liberia | NGO |
Rafik Justice and Environment Organization (RAJEO) | Uganda | Private Company |
ABC Gaye Enterprise | Gambia | Private Company |
Women's and Gender Studies Association of the Philippines | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Gwankaja Farm Lodge | Tanzania | Private Company |
Clemotex Engineering Limited | Zambia | Private Company |
Luo Nyanza Development Platform (Homa Bay, Migori, Kisumu and Siaya Counties) | Kenya | Community Development Organisation |
ACJ Morocco | Morocco | NGO |
Action against Poverty & Environmental Damage (Aaped Malawi) | Malawi | NGO |
Shuumbwa Pride Initiative | Zambia | NGO |
African Report Files | Nigeria | INGO |
Forever Sanitation Limited | Uganda | Private Company |
Goodwill Social Work Centre | India | NGO |
Tiruzer Ethiopia for Africa (TEA) | Ethiopia | NGO |
Luntiang Mayumi Youth Advocate (LUMAYA) | Philippines | NGO |
Gender Justice | Zambia | NGO |
Centre for Communities Education and Youth Development | Ghana | NGO |
International Technical Volunteers | Kenya | NGO |
African Earth Farms Resources Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Solicitude for Orphans Children Support Group | Kenya | NGO |
RSP Consult | Nigeria | NGO |
Brekha Investments | Zambia | Private Company |
SK Engineers | India | Private Company |
Uganda Youth Skills Training Organization (UYSTO) | Uganda | NGO |
Girls' Pride | Gambia | NGO |
Women in Media for Change | Germany | NGO |
Inspiring Generation and Humanity Support Foundation (IGHUSUF) Africa | Nigeria | NGO |
21st Global Communications | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Faith Legacy Foundation | Zambia | NGO |
GH Sports News | Ghana | Private Company |
Save Our Needy Organisation | Nigeria | NGO |
Action for Sustainable Peace and Development for Girls | Sierra Leone | NGO |
GrandPen Africa (Centre for Research and Training) | Malawi | Educational Institution |
Casuga Integrated School | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Siyakholwa Support Care Centre | South Africa | NGO |
Saving Arms International | Uganda | NGO |
United Rural Development Organization (URDO) | Pakistan | NGO |
Research & Awareness for Human Development Benefits & Rights (RAHBAR) | Pakistan | NGO |
Nusaned | Lebanon | NGO |
Environmental Conservation and Agricultural Enhancement Uganda (Eco-Agric Uganda) | Uganda | NGO |
Sahel Centre for Information, Media and Development Research (SCIMDER) | Nigeria | INGO |
Muvistar SaveLife Youth Foundation | Uganda | INGO |
HumanAID Organisation | Kenya | INGO |
The Youth Cafe | Kenya | NGO |
Durham University Hong Kong Society | United Kingdom | Educational Institution |
Anti Corruption Human Rights and Crime Prevention Foundation | India | NGO |
Arctic Infratructure | Nigeria | NGO |
Wabibi Pads Uganda Limited | Uganda | Private Company |
Save Benue Youths Movement | Nigeria | NGO |
Peraz Charity Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Zamboanga del Norte Federation of Parents' Associations Inc | Philippines | NGO |
Armaghan Charity Foundation | Afghanistan | NGO |
Charity Heart for Good Health Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
JITOW | Nigeria | Private Company |
Ummah Support Initiative (USI) | Nigeria | NGO |
Retirement India Foundation | India | NGO |
South Sudan Women's Empowerment Network | South Sudan | NGO |
Development Alert | Uganda | NGO |
Abantu Youth Theatre | South Africa | NGO |
Engineering Helpline Pvt. Ltd | Nepal | Private Company |
Shine with Skills Foundation | Uganda | NGO |
MARS Charity Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Global Visionaries Network | Cameroon | NGO |
BUMA Foundation | Cameroon | NGO |
Leafline Pty Ltd | South Africa | Private Company |
Black Polar Bear Productions | Finland | Private Company |
Universal Writers and Authors | Nigeria | NGO |
Eco Friends Company Limited | South Sudan | Private Company |
Orzel Builders Company Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
EduEnviro Group | India | Private Company |
Olatjidson Farms & Agro Consultant Enterprise | Nigeria | Private Company |
Rongo University | Kenya | Educational Institution |
Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Afrika Arts Kollective | Uganda | Social Enterprise |
Association des Jeunes Agriculteurs Modernes du Bénin (AJAM-Bénin) | Benin | Association |
Gender Youth for Change and Peace Building Network | Liberia | NGO |
Action in Community & Training | India | NGO |
James Waste Management & Recycling | Liberia | Private Company |
Green Pavers | Kenya | Private Company |
Salama Heritage Ecovillage (SHE) Africa | Rwanda | Social Environmental Enterprise |
Organization of Health and Economic Collaboration (OHEC) | Pakistan | NGO |
Freetown Innovation Lab | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Melkanah Enterprises Limited | Zambia | Private Company |
Let's Go Clean the Beach & Recycle | Ghana | NGO |
Premier Waste Services | Ghana | Private Company |
Youth Advocacy for Integrity - Isabel | Solomon Islands | NGO |
Esd Consult Group | Botswana | Private Company |
RTIS Network (Resilience through Innovation and Sustainability) | Greece | NGO |
Institute of Animal Law of Asia | United States of America | Educational Institution |
Waste Advantageafric | Ghana | Private Company |
Development Education Institute for Human and Environmental Resource Management (DEIHERM) | Sri Lanka | NGO |
BlueGreen Environment Initiatives Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO | | South Africa | Private Company |
Clean Environment | South Africa | NGO |
United Council for Youth Empowerment (UCYE) | United States of America | NGO |
Hocket Federation of India | India | NGO |
Ubuntu Malata Construction | Zambia | Private Company |
Beterrol Aquafish LLC | Cameroon | Private Company |
Parinishtaa Eco Solutions Private Limited | India | Private Company |
The Earth Needs Love | Pakistan | NGO |
Standard Writers Ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
African Law Students' aAssociation | Nigeria | NGO |
A Farm for All, Inc. | United States of America | INGO |
Youth Movement For A Better Liberia | Liberia | NGO |
Human Capital Development & Training Consultancy | Papua New Guinea | Private Company |
ECO Care Engineering Ltd | Papua New Guinea | Private Company |
Action Sociale pour le Bien-Etre et le Développement (ASBED) | Cameroon | NGO |
Bonang Ubuntu SA | South Africa | NGO |
Plant Generational | South Sudan | Private Company |
Krutarth Enviro & Legal Solution | India | Private Company |
Kaizen Extreme Kuwait General Trading Company | Kuwait | Private Company |
Utytrends Enterprises | Nigeria | Private Company |
Association Chantiers et Cultures | Morocco | NGO |
Craving 4 Development | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Phonex Travel and Tours | Kenya | Private Company |
National Civil Society | India | NGO |
Bheri Environmental Excellence Group (BEE-Group) | Nepal | NGO |
Garg Aqua Tech | India | Private Company |
Mtaa Safi Initiative | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Entomo Farm | Zambia | Private Company |
Mbale Express News & Mbale Express TV | Uganda | Private Company |
Green Agriculture Zambia Limited | Zambia | Private Company |
International Organization for Animal Protection (OIPA) | Italy | NGO |
Intellect Scholarship Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
EcoThailand | Thailand | NGO |
Environment and Food Foundation (E2F) | Cameroon | NGO |
Tanzania Indigenous Environmental Management Organization | Tanzania | NGO |
International Generational Thinkers | Ghana | NGO |
Danse Nigeria Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Glosol Energy | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
International Standard Icon (ISI NEPAL) | Nepal | Educational Institution |
Zimbabwe National Organisation of Associations and Residents Trust | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Impact Steward Projects | Zambia | NGO |
National Textile University Karachi Campus | Pakistan | Educational Institution |
Limitless Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
First Light for Consulting and Evaluation Services | Yemen | Private Company |
Media Advocacy and Technologies Center | Nigeria | NGO |
Botswana Green Building Council | Botswana | NGO |
Agrigate Global | India | Global Community Platform |
Smith and Gerald Orphanage Centre | Uganda | NGO |
Youths Action For Democracy | Nigeria | NGO |
Hydrocraft International (SMC-PVT) Limited | Pakistan | Private Company |
Botswana Women in Construction Organisation (BOWICO) | Botswana | NGO |
Green Miles Zero Waste Services Kenya Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
Yuvsatta (youth for peace) | India | NGO |
Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers - Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University - Mid La Union Campus Student Unit | Philippines | School-based Organisation |
Book Bhutan Tour | Bhutan | Private Company |
ARCedtech Solution Pvt Ltd | India | Private Company |
Kaizen Research Specialists | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Grow Biointensive Agriculture Centre of Kenya | Kenya | NGO |
Dingo One Ghana Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Abba Hygiene Fish Production Enterprise | Nigeria | Private Company |
Ecopeace Initiative for Development | South Sudan | NGO |
Feeding Liberia (FELA) | Liberia | Private Company |
Life Changing Humanitarian Association (LICHA-CAMEROON) | Cameroon | NGO |
Sungi Development Foundation | Pakistan | NGO |
Alpha Omega World Peace Community Development Foundation Inc. | Nigeria | INGO |
Eudora Aromas Madagascar | Madagascar | Private Company |
CTW India | India | Think Tank |
Suame GH | Finland | NGO |
Harmony Ecological Technologies | Malawi | Private Company |
Students for the Advancement of Global Entrepreneurship (SAGE) | Nigeria | NGO |
Niramart Technologies Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Center for Advocacy and Sustainable Empowerment | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Youth Empowering Legislative Law (YELL) | Liberia | NGO |
Noordhoff Craniofacial Foundation Philippines, Inc. | Philippines | NGO |
Swellendam Municipality | South Africa | Public Institution |
Ready Workers Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Zambia Social Forum (ZAMSOF) | Zambia | NGO |
Capfred Consultant | Kenya | Private Company |
Grand Palace Hotel | Malawi | Private Company |
Regional Center of Expertise (RCE) Minna | Nigeria | NGO |
The Great Outdoor | South Africa | Private Company |
Beyond Our Hearts Foundation (BOHF) | Malawi | NGO |
D'Yarsledeh Reformation Network | United States of America | NGO |
MMD Gira Ubukire | Rwanda | NGO |
Banko Foundation | Gambia | NGO |
Sameda Financial Services LTD | Malawi | Private Company |
Fashion and Design Chamber NGO | Armenia | NGO |
Nahar King Welfare Organization (NKWO) | Pakistan | NGO |
Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association | Bangladesh | NGO |
Toucan Ridge Ecology and Education Society | Canada | NGO |
Auntie's Impact Movement Gh. (AIM-GHANA) | Ghana | NGO |
On Media Ltd | Ghana | Private Company |
Zambian National STEM Foundation | Zambia | NGO |
Youth Empowerment Towards Development (YETOD) | Malawi | NGO |
Divine Life Of Hope Foundation (DLHF) | Uganda | NGO |
Imota Students' Union | Nigeria | NGO |
Azama Development Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Evaflo Oil and Gas Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Raise The Young Foundation | Gambia | NGO |
G8 Energy Engineering (T) Limited | Tanzania | Private Company |
Hope Uganda Foundation | Uganda | NGO |
Andalucía Bird Society | Spain | NGO |
The Emmanuel Ivorgba Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
PRONG | Guinea | NGO |
Willing & Caring Hands Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Green Climate Campaign Africa | Uganda | NGO |
Agroforestry Resources Unlimited | Guinea | NGO |
Casa Tomato Restaurant and Cafe | Ghana | Private Company |
Yasman Green Nievg Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Light Ethiopia | Ethiopia | NGO |
International Student One Health Alliance | United States of America | INGO |
WasteServe Nig. Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Green Culture Community Initiative (GCCI) | Kenya | NGO |
Energy And Environment Foundation | India | NGO |
Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity (HCIF-PFS) | Sierra Leone | INGO |
The Benefactors | Cameroon | NGO |
Fresh & Young Brains Development Initiative (FBIN) | Nigeria | NGO |
Zwara Arts & Theatre Society | Kenya | Civil Society Organisation |
AquaPuri Water Solutions | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Rights 4 Her Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
John SixTwelve Solutions Enterprises | Nigeria | Private Company |
BJBN | Vanuatu | Private Company |
Leaders' Interconnective Coalition (LINC) | Philippines | Youth Organisation |
Gevera Foundation | Kenya | NGO |
HerdMaster Livestock | Ghana | Private Company |
Melanesian News Network | Solomon Islands | Private Company |
Climate Action Philippines 2021 | Philippines | NGO |
Revnics Energy | Nigeria | Private Company |
All Thingz Creative | United States of America | Private Company |
Ifafunke Home of Hope - Africa Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
United African Organization For Literacy Development (UAOLD) | Liberia | NGO |
Mumzab Farms | Nigeria | Private Company |
Africans United for Taiwan (AUT) | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Adebuk Cleaning & Maintenance Firm | Nigeria | Private Company |
Maya Care Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
National Action for Quality Education in Zambia (NAQEZ) | Zambia | NGO |
Vukani Basha | Kingdom of Eswatini | NGO |
Initiative for Youth Development and Impact Makers in Nigeria | Nigeria | NGO |
Lorita Aigbokhan Love Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
Onyemaechi Hope for the Helpless Foundation (OHHF) | Nigeria | NGO |
Side by Side Organization | Gambia | NGO |
Craft Planet | Nigeria | Private Company |
Mt. Kenya Network Forum | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Association des Jeunes Dynamiques pour le Développement Durable ( AJD-DD) | Guinea | NGO |
Social Innovation On Wheels | Uganda | NGO |
Ouroots Africa | Uganda | Social Enterprise |
Asian PGPR Society for Sustainable Agriculture | United States of America | Non Profit Scientific Society |
Fusaha Ventures Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
ONG Tout Sain Tout Vert | Chad | NGO |
Julius Kewir TANGKA Clean Energy Consortium | Cameroon | NGO |
Brainycube Research Organization | Nepal | NGO |
Agricultural Expertise Center | Benin | NGO |
Community Action Against Plastic Waste (CAPws) | South Sudan | NGO |
Zero Waste Innovations Solutions and Energy | Nigeria | Private Company |
Worldview Mission | Netherlands | NGO |
Excellence Foundation for South Sudan | South Sudan | NGO |
Summitwriters | Kenya | Private Company |
Lustre Oil Enterprise | Nigeria | Private Company |
Kabuubi Media Africa (KMA) | Uganda | Private Company |
Maru Action Development Foundation (MADF) | Uganda | Community Based Organisation |
EducommunicAfrik | Burkina Faso | NGO |
Botswana Agricultural Sciences Professionals Association | Botswana | NGO |
Pallet Xtra | New Zealand | Private Company |
Foundation for Royal Diadem Children Empowerment | Nigeria | NGO |
Ecosystème Naturel Propre (ENPRO) | Togo | NGO |
Masiyephambili College | Zimbabwe | Educational Institution |
Indian Innovators Association | India | NGO |
Antilla Energy VBA | Aruba | Private Company |
Lift Humanity Foundation (LHF) | Nigeria | NGO |
Trust Forest Consult Group | Uganda | Private Company |
Ako Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Institute of Philippine Real Estate Appraisers (IPREA) | Philippines | NGO |
Junior Chamber International Prizren (JCI Prizren) | Kosovo | NGO |
Imarika Foundation | Kenya | NGO |
Pure Products LTD (Sparkles Eco-Water ATMs) | Uganda | Private Company |
A Better Tomorrow SHG | Kenya | NGO |
Bridgestone Initiative for Community Development | Nigeria | NGO |
Buwambo Skills Development Group Ltd | Uganda | NGO |
Agri-Smart | Malawi | Private Company |
Nature Plurielle NGO | Benin | NGO |
Byepa International Foundation Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
No Hunger Network Nigeria | Nigeria | NGO |
4iAfrica | Kingdom of Eswatini | Private Company |
Kebbi Trust Communication | Nigeria | Private Company |
Wastezon | Rwanda | Private Company |
Cry of the Needy Charity Group | Cameroon | NGO |
The Strong Women Organization | Kenya | Private Company |
Safe Space Network | Uganda | NGO |
Kijani Mwendo Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Sare Jahan Se Acha Foundation | India | NGO |
Pahi Foundation for Development Cooperation | Papua New Guinea | NGO |
Hemtog Foundation Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Taiwan Environmental Information Association | Taiwan | NGO |
Green Axis | Nigeria | Private Company |
Fumaco | Tanzania | NGO |
Scuba Junkie Seas | Malaysia | NGO |
The Banana Farm | Gambia | Private Company |
Community Empowerment for Youth Mobilization (CEYM) | Malawi | Private Company |
Charles Walters Council For Innovation & Research | India | NGO |
American Football For African Mission | Nigeria | INGO |
Green Scenery | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Enowem Network | Nigeria | Private Company |
Liberia Albino Society | Liberia | NGO |
Nigerians in Diaspora Organization | Qatar | NGO |
Masiyemphabili College Library and Media Centre | Zimbabwe | Educational Institution |
Gracious Mission | Kenya | NGO |
Egbe Mekun Carnival Team | Nigeria | Community Development Team |
Caloch Astronomical and Earth Science Academy (CAESA) | Nigeria | NGO |
Ahf Foundation | Nigeria | NGO |
RMN Enterprises Ltd | Zambia | Private Company |
Agricultural Research Corporation | Sudan | Educational Institution |
Water Connect (U) Limited | Uganda | Private Company |
KAASH Foundation | India | NGO |
English for All Center (EAC) | Burundi | NGO |
Gisabo Tours | Burundi | Private Company |
Gusii Waste Cleaning Network | Kenya | Community Based Organisation |
Map Focus International | Ghana | Private Company |
Light Up Bio Company (LUB) | Zambia | Private Company |
Oasal Group | Ghana | Social Enterprise |
Fridays For Future Gauteng | South Africa | Youth Organisation |
The Bright Future Project | Zambia | Private Company |
African Youth Connect | Nigeria | NGO |
QG Enviro | Italy | NGO |
Movement for Good Governance in Nigeria (MGGN) | Nigeria | NGO |
Botswana Society for Human Development (BSHD) | Botswana | NGO |
Bugembe initiative for youth Empowerment | Uganda | NGO |
Cedric Kenfack Studios | Gabon | Private Company |
Initiative for the Advancement of Waste Management in Africa (WASTE Africa) | Nigeria | NGO |
Fraternité Internationale pour le Développement | Central African Republic | NGO |
Covenant Family Global, Inc. | Liberia | NGO |
Moses Charity Organization | Zambia | NGO |
Agro Mother Land Pvt Ltd | Sri Lanka | Private Company |
Discovery Leadership Consulting | Ghana | Private Company |
Arba Minch University | Ethiopia | Public Institution |
FloraDesireArtStudio | Pakistan | NGO |
Arinbo Gold Tax Nig Ltd | Nigeria | Private Company |
Vulnerable Persons Support Centre Uganda (VPSCU) | Uganda | NGO |
Suvemäe MTÜ | Estonia | NGO |
NOAH - for animal rights | Norway | NGO |
Chanja Datti Recycling Co Ltd. | Nigeria | Private Company |
African Youth for Development Commission (AYDEC) | Nigeria | NGO |
Mohina Eco Solutions | India | Private Company |
Rau Eco and Cultural Tourism Enterprise | Tanzania | Social Enterprise |
Best Globe Network Engineering | Cameroon | NGO |
Association Camerounaise pour le Développement, l’Entraide Sociale et la Protection de l’Environnement (ACDESPE) | Cameroon | NGO |
Royal Sanitation Solutions | Malawi | Private Company |
TURN | Bangladesh | Private Company |
San Pedro College | Philippines | Educational Institution |
Fusaid Global | Ghana | NGO |
PANDAS World Eco Solutions LLP | India | Private Company |
Vilamanzi (PTY) LTD | South Africa | NGO |
Aquaculture Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe | NGO |
Anchor of Life Ministries | Malawi | NGO |
Human and Environment Link Progressive Organization (HELP-O) | Sri Lanka | NGO |
Stream Consultancy Services Limited | Nigeria | Private Company |
Willow Empowerment For Grass Root Development Initiative | Nigeria | NGO |
Congress of Accountability Ambassadors | Nigeria | NGO |
National Forum For Advocacy Nepal | Nepal | NGO |
Youth Without Borders - Tunisia | Tunisia | NGO |
Women Against Poverty (WAP) | Tanzania | NGO |
National Cadet Corps Nigeria | Nigeria | NGO |
Citizen’s Environmental and Social Concern (CESCo) | Zambia | NGO |
Center for Environmental Governance (CEGO) | Ghana | NGO |
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University | Ukraine | Educational Institution |
Women Future Life (WFL) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Spotless Design & Consultants | Pakistan | Private Company |
Sustainable Society For Environment And Women Initiative (SUSEW INITIATIVE) | Nigeria | NGO |
AYM Clean environment | Nigeria | NGO |
Super Silica Bangladesh Limited | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Ankrah & Associates Limited | Ghana | Private Company |
Women and Youths Agricultural, Gender Protection and Literacy Development Initiative Africa | Nigeria | NGO |
Child / Women Welfare Foundation | Cameroon | NGO |
W2W Enterprises | India | Social Enterprise |
Satrco Co. | State of Palestne | Private Company |
AIDES | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
ECOlaTRINE | South Africa | Private Company |
Civil Guards | Nigeria | NGO |
Samposhan | India | Social Enterprise |
Lush Environment Conservation | Uganda | NGO |
Hydrocraft Projects Africa | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
Concern Citizen Committee, Sreemangal (TIB) Transparency International Bangladesh | Bangladesh | NGO |
Future Adventure | Kenya | NGO |
Fakir Mohan University | India | Educational Institution |
British Beauty Council - Sustainable Beauty Coalition | United Kingdom | NGO |
ISP Environmental Solution (Pvt.) Ltd. | Pakistan | Private Company |
Nyasemi Self Help Group | Kenya | Private Company |
Babsy Cleaning | United Kingdom | Private Company |
Environmental and Social Development News Africa | South Africa | Media Agency |
Clue Intelligence Detectives Department | India | Private Company |
Organization for environmental protection and rural infrastructure development | Cameroon | NGO |
Marampa Mines Limited | Sierra Leone | Private Company |
Centre for Development Initiatives Uganda (CDIU) | Uganda | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Concern Waste Sindh & Recycling | Pakistan | Private Company |
Ouroboros Waste Management | Pakistan | Private Company |
Perseverance for Social and Environment Safeguards | Pakistan | Private Company |
Good Deeds Day Nigeria | Nigeria | NGO |
Debros Company Limited | Kenya | Private Company |
Joint Service Council for Solid Waste Management of Local Authorities in the Governorates of Khan Younis, Rafah and the Middle Area | State of Palestine | Semi Local Governorate |
Women's Organization for Development and Environment Protection | Malawi | Community Based Organisation |
Feed and Develop Sierra Leone {FADSiL} | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Wing of Research in Local Development (WORLD) | India | NGO |
Networking for Society Development Organization (NESODO) | Tanzania | NGO |
Buonkey Trading & Investment Co. Ltd | South Sudan | Private Company |
Health Education Advocacy Development | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Engineering and Technology | Pakistan | Educational Institution |
HY-EU | Germany | Private Company |
Banka BioLoo Limited | India | Private Company |
Robert Ojeikere Nigeria Enterprises | Nigeria | Private Company |
G.I.E. Walkitare | Mali | Private Company |
Water and Environment Media Network Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Organization for Youth Empowerment | Bhutan | NGO |
Fie Consult LLP | Kenya | Private Company |
God's Will Art & Fashion Youth Center | Uganda | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
J & J Cleaning and Fumigation Services Ltd. | South Sudan | Private Company |
Women Concern for Ocean Governance | Tanzania | NGO |
Youth Exploring Solutions | Liberia | NGO |
World Echoes Media Group | Cameroon | NGO |
Seni Mega Resources Sdn bhd | Malaysia | Private Company |
Environmental Protection and Development Association (EPDA) | Cameroon | NGO |
Cayman Beach Watch | Cayman Islands | NGO |
Voice Of Indian Concern for the Environment (VOICE) | India | NGO |
Etoile de la Paix | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Women and Children Protection | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
ASEAN Youth Community for Household Hazardous Waste Management (AYCHW) | Indonesia | Youths-led Environmental Organisation |
Action Jeunesse pour le Développement (AJED-Congo) | Republic of Congo | NGO |
Association pour la Justice Climatique, l’Environnement et la Nature pour le Développement Durable (AJUCENADED-Congo) | Republic of Congo | NGO |
Coalition Climat pour la Biodiversité et le Développement (CCBD) | Republic of Congo | NGO |
Alternative des Jeunes pour la préservation et la conservation des Ecosystèmes, de la Biodiversité et l’Environnement pour le Développement Durable (AJEBEDD-Congo) | Republic of Congo | NGO |
Family Conseling and Planning (FCP) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Indigenous and Frontier Technology Research Centre | India | NGO |
Saraswathi Institute of Lifescience | India | NGO |
Solid Waste Recycling-Kenya | Kenya | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Raceless Pakistan | Pakistan | NGO |
Orient City Cleaners Ltd | Uganda | Private Company |
Better Earth International | Cameroon | NGO |
Kenkoh Association (KEAS) | Cameroon | NGO |
Envo-Tech Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd. | Pakistan | Private Company |
Youth Act for Development | Malawi | NGO |
Testway Engineering | India | Private Company |
Solifede | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Green Zone | Liberia | NGO |
Love El Elyon Charitable Organization | Ghana | NGO |
ATAS India | India | NGO |
Strategic Response on Environmental Conservation (STREC) | Uganda | NGO |
Kyanaka Smallholder Farmers Association (KSFA) | Uganda | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Milieukontakt Albania | Albania | NGO |
Smile For Life The Gambia | Gambia | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Tanzania Relief Initiatives | Tanzania | NGO |
SAHKAL National NGO for Solidarity and Development in the Sahel | Chad | NGO |
Nepal Integrated Rural Development Centre | Nepal | NGO |
Espérance Mères et Enfants en RDC (EME-RDC) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Save The Waves Coalition | United States of America | INGO |
AbibiNsroma Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Field Experience and Environmental Response Action (FEERA) | Nigeria | Educational Institution |
Friends of Environment | Pakistan | NGO |
Mbeya University of Science and Technology | Tanzania | Educational Institution |
International Student Environmental Coalition-Chad | Chad | NGO |
Bambuhay | Philippines | Social Enterprise |
Sita Consult | Ghana | Private Company |
Nunam | India | Private Company |
Let's do it Cameroon | Cameroon | NGO |
Jaydee Ventures | Nigeria | Private Company |
St. Matthew Institute of Technology Pakistan | Pakistan | Educational Institution |
Poornima University | India | Educational Institution |
Vision 2050 | Peru | NGO |
Mungu Ni Jibu (MUJI) | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Action for Clean Streets Organization | Nigeria | NGO |
DD Bio Solution Technology Private Limited | India | Private Company |
Voluntary Integration for Education and Welfare of Society (VIEWS) | India | NGO |
AgriTech farm hub | Kenya | Private Company |
Light of Hope Organisation | Malawi | NGO |
Charpy-Biochar Products and Services | Lebanon | Private Company |
Samyuk Sustainable Solutions LLP | India | Private Company |
RuFI Uganda | Uganda | NGO |
Greenloan company ltd | United Kingdom | Private Company |
AIESEC Yaounde | Cameroon | INGO |
Environmental Concern-vation Youth Network | Philippines | NGO |
Ecogreen | Mozambique | Private Company |
Amuzyd Investments company | Zimbabwe | Private Company |
National Consortium for Environmental Management (NaCEM) | Sierra Leone | NGO |
Waste Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Amanlizoun Togboleton Foundation | Benin | NGO |
National Climate Resilience Network | South Sudan | NGO |
Crissteek Gold | Jamaica | Private Compny |
World for Nature Conservation | France | NGO |
Green Crescent Enterprise | Pakistan | Private Compny |
Project Ahmedabad | India | NGO |
Balkan Centre of Marine Research | Montenegro | NGO |
Pariwartan Sanchar Samuha | Nepal | NGO |
The Digital Biography | Nepal | NGO |
Green Net Consultants | Sri Lanka | NGO |
Lost In SL | Sri Lanka | Private Company |
InteWaste | Malawi | Private Company |
Esirom Foundation | Jamaica | NGO |
Shri Shankaracharya Mahavidyalaya Junwani Bhilai | India | Educational Institution |
Government college, Sector 14, Gurugram | India | Educational Institution |
Clean up Nepal | Nepal | NGO |
Alpha Management | Pakistan | Private Company |
4TinyHands | Germany | Educational Platform |
University of Malawi Wildlife and Environmental Society (UNIMAWES) | Malawi | Educational Institution |
Rwanda GreenSol (R-Greensol) | Rwanda | Private Company |
Sri Lanka Institute of Biotechnology | Sri Lanka | Public Institution |
Community Based Organisations (CBOs) Coalition for Human Rights and Good Governance | Malawi | NGO |
Yumzaa Foundation | Ghana | NGO |
Autism Support Association of Bangladesh | Bangladesh | NGO |
Pacific Blue Training Institute | Fiji | Educational Institution |
Let's Protect World | Cameroon | NGO |
Hog bish baylag | Mongolia | NGO |
Hazardous and Medical Waste Managers Association | Nigeria | NGO |
Modern Social Association (MSA) | Yemen | NGO |
Dulcet Association | Cameroon | NGO |
Social Advancement Community Organization (SACO) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Protect Your Environment Foundation | Cameroon | NGO |
Life for All Initiative - L4A Gambia | Gambia | Community-based Youth Organisation |
IPCA Centre for Waste Management and Research (ICWMR) | India | Educational Institution |
Hemmat Shabab Foundation for Development | Yemen | NGO |
Sustainable Beekeeping and Human Development (SuBeHuDe) | Tanzania | NGO |
Uchebuaku Enterprise | Nigeria | Private Company |
Path Integrated Pastoral Development Organization (PIPDO) | Ethiopia | NGO |
Akulinganiswa | South Africa | Co-operative |
Deuli Adarsho Matchachashi Cooperative Society LTD | Bangladesh | NGO |
NxNano AB | Sweden | Private Company |
Clean Circle Limited | Cameroon | Private Company |
Enjaz Foundation for Development | Yemen | NGO |
Hadejia GREEN Project | Nigeria | NGO |
Eureka Standard Plus Concepts | Nigeria | Private Company |
Upcycle It Ghana | Ghana | NGO |
Model Towns Charitable Trust | Fiji | NGO |
Eco Care Waste Management (Pvt) Ltd | Pakistan | Private Company |
International Coalition for Environmental Sustainability - ICES | Cameroon | INGO |
S M Sehgal Foundation | India | NGO |
Programme Multisectoriel d'Aide Humanitaire et de Developpement - PROMAHD | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Government College Meham | India | Educational Institution |
Design Den and Arch | India | Private Company |
Belhaj Beta General Cleaning DOO | Montenegro | Private Company |
Viyon Cleaning Services | Nigeria | Private Company |
Deriba Centre for Environmental Studies | Sudan | NGO |
Elro Multi Services | Democratic Republic of Congo | Private Company |
Sawaed Al-khair Humanitarian Foundation | Yemen | NGO |
Puntland Environmental Green Peace Association | Somalia | NGO |
CAF Emergency Response Team (CAF ERT, Inc) | Philippines | NGO |
Natural Resource Protection Organization for Green Afghanistan NRPOGA | Afghanistan | NGO |
Cosmic Agro Ltd. | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Environmental Conservation Community of Tanzania | Tanzania | NGO |
Action for Climate and Environmental Sustainability | Cameroon | NGO |
Sustainable Cleaners Ltd | Kenya | Private Company |
Coolman Group | South Africa | Private Company |
Asu Agro Products | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Fumigation Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd | India | Private Company |
Watan Welfare Organization | Pakistan | NGO |
Society for Conservation and Sustainable Sahara | Nigeria | NGO |
Tamil Nadu Tribal Development Society | India | NGO |
Mona Relief and Development Organization | Yemen | NGO |
Hamdan Environmental Services | Pakistan | Private Company |
Rural Area Welfare Development Organisation (RAWDO) | Pakistan | NGO |
One Ocean Empire PLT | Malaysia | Social Enterprise |
Sustainability Directory | China | Private Company |
Rural Aid Pakistan | Pakistan | NGO |
Mouvement Citoyen pour le Développement du Kénédougou | Burkina Faso | NGO |
Yemen Ohid Organization | Yemen | NGO |
Gabo Alliance Foundation | India | NGO |
Agence pour le Développement Intégré au Congo | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Ecogreen Action Tanzania | Tanzania | NGO |
Youth Inclusion Network Uganda | Uganda | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Livestock Empowerment And Development Society (LEADS) | Pakistan | NGO |
Janna Foundation | Yemen | NGO |
Asociación Pueblo Indígena en Acción APU | Peru | NGO |
Nepal Fulbari Waste 3R Pollution Control Service Pvt Ltd. | Nepal | Private Company |
Ibeno Environmental Club | Nigeria | NGO |
Holy Mission for Children's Welfare and Rural Development | India | NGO |
Saco Fisheries Cooperative Society Limited | Bangladesh | NGO |
Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan | Pakistan | Public Institution |
Green Land Recycling | United Arab Emirates | Private Company |
Adam Cleaning Service | Poland | Private Company |
Environex | India | Private Company |
Okam Energy | South Africa | Private Company |
Christian Outreach Justice Mission Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone | NGO |
VAIGAI Trust | India | NGO |
Sophie Memorial Animal Relief Trust (SMART Sanctuary) | India | NGO |
Union Chrétienne pour le Progrès et la Défense des Droits de l'Homme | Democratic Republic of Congo | NGO |
Deuli Adarsho Youth Science Club | Bangladesh | NGO |
Future Business Support Center (FBSC) | Bangladesh | Private Company |
Pothochala Jubo Kallyan Sangostha (PJKS) | Bangladesh | NGO |
Society for Research & Human Development-SRHD | Pakistan | NGO |
The Life Changing Foundation-LCF | Pakistan | NGO |
Charity Welfare Organization | Kenya | NGO |
Quality Smiles Restorers Organisation | Kenya | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Strategic Sustainability Solutions for Environmental Consultations (SSS) | Saudi Arabia | Private Company |
The Cleaning Factory | India | Private Company |
Mercy Projects Foundation | Uganda | Community-based Organization (CBO) |
Hope For Humanity Outreach (HOF-HO) | Cameroon | NGO |
Humairah Charity Foundation | Uganda | NGO |
Govt. High School Kot Khaira, Jhang | Pakistan | Educational Institution |
Clean Planet Foundation | Cameroon | NGO |
Invision Business Solutions | South Africa | Private Company |
Astound Chemical Industries | Bangladesh | Private Company |
STATA IT Limited | Bangladesh | Private Company |
SpotLight | Lebanon | Private Company |
DTecHUB | Turkey | Private Company |
Charleston Meneko Services International Limited (CMSIL) | Nigeria | Private Company |
Center for Corporate Intelligence, Information and Diplomacy (CCIID) | Nigeria | NGO |
Altwasul For Human Development | Yemen | NGO |
Pastoralist Initiative Development Aid (PIDA) | Ethiopia | NGO |
Sustainable Run For Development - SURUDEV | Cameroon | NGO |
GeoEnvi Tech Cameroon | Cameroon | Private Company |
Tarun Swapno Unnayan Sangho | Bangladesh | NGO |
Limras Global Conceptz | Nigeria | NGO |
National Organics Pvt. Ltd. | Nepal | Private Company |
Ocean and Climatic Research Institute | Sri Lanka | Educational Institution |
Showing 1 to 2,137 of 2,137 entries