
Membership Manager - South America
Ms. Daysy Kattia Diaz Ydones
Kattia Diaz is a Peruvian MSc in Public Policy and Administration by the Sapienza University of Rome, and a BSc in Business Administration by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Her work experience is based on administrative roles in the private sector, where she committed in the finance and administration departments; as well as in the social sector. In this regard, she served as volunteer in different positions that required her to have presence, such as being a Co-Founder and active member of Sonkollachays Unidos (an organization which delivers food and principal needs to poor children in Lima); being an elected Chairwoman of her Neighborhood Board (Peru); being an elected member of the Surveillance Budget Committee at the Municipality of Callao (Peru); and recently contributing to the Centro di Raccolta Solidale per il Diritto al Cibo, an organisation which delivers food periodically to families in need at Lodi (Italy).
She seeks to work fully to contribute to society, especially in addressing the persistent universal human rights' gap and at the same time maintaining a more sustainable environment. She has devoted her master's thesis for organic agriculture, and has been doing academic research regarding child malnutrition, homelessness, and poverty.