
Membership Manager - Caribbean
Mr. Yves Benoit
Yves graduated from the École Nationale d’Administration Publique (ENAP) of Quebec, Canada, where he obtained a Master’s degree in Public Administration. A member of the Order of Certified Administrators in Quebec, he is a Canada-registered Certified Administrator (C.Adm.). After a relatively brief but fruitful work experience in the private and university sectors in the United States, Yves moved back to Haiti where he joined the country’s Public Administration in the Ministry of Tourism. He had worked for 13 years as a Public Servant and contributed to many international donor-funded projects before having joined a private company where he continued to collaborate with public institutions and officials in Haiti to deliver the country’s very first Integrated Public Finance Management System (IPFMS).
Besides serving his country through the Public Sector, Yves also contributes to his community through teaching. He believes that being a university lecturer provides him with a unique opportunity to better impact his society by means of a transfer of knowledge and experience directed towards change. By leveraging domain theories and intellectual tools in practical simulations and case studies, in his teachings on Public Governance he promotes collective actions aimed at the betterment of Haiti though improved citizenry and civism. Yves is currently considering a Ph.D. in Government Studies, Public Administration or a related field.
Although he has been awarded various prizes at the university, like the 1st mention of the Roland Parenteau Prize by the ENAP (2017) and the Massachusetts Hall of Black Achievement (HOBA) Award (2006) for academic excellence, Yves enjoys to seize every learning opportunity from what some would unfairly label “unexpected” sources, including in his very engaging conversations with underprivileged street merchants and vendors from whom he continues to learn so much.
Yves’ interest in questions pertaining to the environment was triggered in 2008 in Okinawa, Japan where he had gone to attend a course on Sustainable Tourism Development with Meio University and the Okinawa Environment Club. There, he had a chance to visit major natural heritage sites and environmental assets, such as agricultural farms, environmental attractions and smaller islands, waste recycling sites, etc. And, having been sea-sick did not prevent him from relishing a whale-watching and canoeing experience during this course study. Yves is also interested in the more specific topic of climate change and adaptation to climate change. In 2014, he participated in training on the subject delivered by the University of Senghor in collaboration with Haiti’s Environment Ministry and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Yves loves to read novels from various authors including those published by his friend, world-renowned Haitian novelist Kettly Mars. His bedside ad-hoc book stacks also contain books on Public Administration, Public Management, Public Policy, Governance, Globalization, etc. He loves to travel for leisure and his bucket list includes visiting other countries and places in Asia and Latin America. Yves admits that the most serious part of his life is spent playing and spending time with his daughter, Kayveleen (Kayve), building objects with cubes, magnetic pieces, or recyclable materials, watching kids’ movies and videos, or simply having fun conversations.